Wanzen (Heteroptera)

German Red List

Simon, H.; Achtziger, R.; Bräu, M.;Dorow, W. H. O.; Göricke, P.; Gossner, M. M.; Gruschwitz, W.; Heckmann, R.; Hoffmann, H.-J.; Kallenborn, H.; Kleinsteuber, W.; Martschei, T.; Melber, A.; Morkel, C.; Münch, M.; Nawratil, J.; Remane, R.; Rieger, C.; Voigt, K. & Winkelmann, H. (2021): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Wanzen (Heteroptera) Deutschlands. – In: Ries, M.; Balzer, S.; Gruttke, H.; Haupt, H.; Hofbauer, N.; Ludwig, G. & Matzke-Hajek , G. (Red.): Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze Deutschlands, Band 5: Wirbellose Tiere (Teil 3). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). – Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (5): 465-624


Comment: The German national Red List threat categories do not correspond with the international IUCN categories.


Scientific name German name Red List Category
Ceratocombus coleoptratus (Zetterstedt, 1819) Not Threatened
Ceratocombus brevipennis Poppius, 1910 Highly Threatened
Cryptostemma alienum Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Highly Threatened
Pachycoleus pusillimus (J. Sahlberg, 1870) Extremely Rare
Pachycoleus waltli Fieber, 1860 Highly Threatened
Nepa cinerea Linnaeus, 1758 Not Threatened
Ranatra linearis (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Micronecta scholtzi (Fieber, 1860) Not Threatened
Micronecta griseola Horváth, 1899 Data Deficient
Micronecta minutissima (Linnaeus, 1758) Data Deficient
Micronecta poweri poweri (Douglas & Scott, 1869) Data Deficient
Cymatia bonsdorffii (C.R. Sahlberg, 1819) Threat of Unknown Extent
Cymatia coleoptrata (Fabricius, 1777) Not Threatened
Cymatia rogenhoferi (Fieber, 1864) Data Deficient
Glaenocorisa propinqua (Fieber, 1860) Highly Threatened
Arctocorisa carinata carinata (C.R. Sahlberg, 1819) Highly Threatened
Arctocorisa germari germari (Fieber, 1848) Highly Threatened
Callicorixa praeusta praeusta (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Callicorixa producta producta (Reuter, 1880) Threatened with Extinction
Corixa affinis Leach, 1817 Highly Threatened
Corixa dentipes Thomson, 1869 Threat of Unknown Extent
Corixa panzeri Fieber, 1848 Data Deficient
Corixa punctata (Illiger, 1807) Not Threatened
Hesperocorixa castanea (Thomson, 1869) Threatened
Hesperocorixa linnaei (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Hesperocorixa moesta (Fieber, 1848) Highly Threatened
Hesperocorixa sahlbergi (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Paracorixa concinna concinna (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Sigara selecta (Fieber, 1848) Extinct or Lost
Sigara stagnalis stagnalis (Leach, 1817) Not Threatened
Sigara hellensii (C.R. Sahlberg, 1819) Highly Threatened
Sigara nigrolineata nigrolineata (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Sigara limitata limitata (Fieber, 1848) Threat of Unknown Extent
Sigara semistriata (Fieber, 1848) Threatened
Sigara venusta (Douglas & Scott, 1869) Extremely Rare
Sigara striata (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Sigara distincta (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Sigara falleni (Fieber, 1848) Not Threatened
Sigara fossarum (Leach, 1817) Not Threatened
Sigara iactans Jansson, 1983 Data Deficient
Sigara longipalis (J. Sahlberg, 1878) Data Deficient
Sigara scotti (Douglas & Scott, 1868) Threatened
Sigara lateralis (Leach, 1817) Not Threatened
Ilyocoris cimicoides cimicoides (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Aphelocheirus aestivalis (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Notonecta glauca glauca Linnaeus, 1758 Not Threatened
Notonecta lutea Müller, 1776 Threat of Unknown Extent
Notonecta maculata Fabricius, 1794 Not Threatened
Notonecta obliqua Thunberg, 1787 Threatened
Notonecta reuteri reuteri Hungerford, 1928 Highly Threatened
Notonecta viridis Delcourt, 1909 Not Threatened
Plea minutissima minutissima Leach, 1817 Not Threatened
Mesovelia furcata Mulsant & Rey, 1852 Not Threatened
Hebrus pusillus pusillus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Hebrus ruficeps Thomson, 1871 Not Threatened
Hydrometra gracilenta Horváth, 1899 Near Threatened
Hydrometra stagnorum (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Microvelia buenoi Drake, 1920 Threat of Unknown Extent
Microvelia pygmaea (Dufour, 1833) Threat of Unknown Extent
Microvelia reticulata (Burmeister, 1835) Not Threatened
Velia caprai caprai Tamanini, 1947 Not Threatened
Velia saulii Tamanini, 1947 Not Threatened
Aquarius najas (De Geer, 1773) Threat of Unknown Extent
Aquarius paludum paludum (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Gerris argentatus Schummel, 1832 Not Threatened
Gerris costae costae (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) Highly Threatened
Gerris gibbifer Schummel, 1832 Not Threatened
Gerris lacustris (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Gerris odontogaster (Zetterstedt, 1828) Not Threatened
Gerris sphagnetorum Gaunitz, 1947 Extremely Rare
Gerris thoracicus Schummel, 1832 Not Threatened
Gerris asper (Fieber, 1860) Threat of Unknown Extent
Gerris lateralis Schummel, 1832 Threat of Unknown Extent
Limnoporus rufoscutellatus (Latreille, 1807) Threat of Unknown Extent
Chiloxanthus pilosus (Fallén, 1807) Highly Threatened
Chartoscirta cincta cincta (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) Not Threatened
Chartoscirta cocksii (Curtis, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Chartoscirta elegantula elegantula (Fallén, 1807) Threat of Unknown Extent
Halosalda lateralis (Fallén, 1807) Near Threatened
Macrosaldula scotica (Curtis, 1835) Near Threatened
Macrosaldula variabilis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Highly Threatened
Micracanthia fennica (Reuter, 1884) Threatened with Extinction
Micracanthia marginalis (Fallén, 1807) Highly Threatened
Saldula arenicola arenicola (Scholtz, 1847) Not Threatened
Saldula c-album (Fieber, 1859) Not Threatened
Saldula fucicola (J. Sahlberg, 1870) Threat of Unknown Extent
Saldula melanoscela (Fieber, 1859) Threat of Unknown Extent
Saldula nobilis (Horváth, 1884) Extinct or Lost
Saldula opacula (Zetterstedt, 1838) Threat of Unknown Extent
Saldula orthochila (Fieber, 1859) Not Threatened
Saldula pallipes (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Saldula palustris (Douglas, 1874) Near Threatened
Saldula pilosella pilosella (Thomson, 1871) Not Threatened
Saldula saltatoria (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Saldula xanthochila (Fieber, 1859) Threatened with Extinction
Salda henschii (Reuter, 1891) Threatened with Extinction
Salda littoralis (Linnaeus, 1758) Near Threatened
Salda morio Zetterstedt, 1838 Highly Threatened
Salda muelleri (Gmelin, 1790) Highly Threatened
Leptopus marmoratus (Goeze, 1778) Threat of Unknown Extent
Acalypta brunnea (Germar, 1837) Extinct or Lost
Acalypta carinata (Panzer, 1806) Near Threatened
Acalypta gracilis gracilis (Fieber, 1844) Not Threatened
Acalypta marginata (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Acalypta musci (Schrank, 1781) Threat of Unknown Extent
Acalypta nigrina (Fallén, 1807) Threatened
Acalypta parvula (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Acalypta platycheila (Fieber, 1844) Threat of Unknown Extent
Agramma confusum (Puton, 1879) Threat of Unknown Extent
Agramma femorale Thomson, 1871 Highly Threatened
Agramma laetum (Fallén, 1807) Near Threatened
Agramma minutum Horváth, 1874 Threatened with Extinction
Agramma ruficorne (Germar, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Agramma tropidopterum Flor, 1860 Extinct or Lost
Campylosteira verna (Fallén, 1826) Threatened
Catoplatus carthusianus (Goeze, 1778) Threat of Unknown Extent
Catoplatus fabricii (Stål, 1868) Threat of Unknown Extent
Catoplatus horvathi (Puton, 1878) Threatened with Extinction
Catoplatus nigriceps Horváth, 1905 Extinct or Lost
Copium clavicorne clavicorne (Linnaeus, 1758) Near Threatened
Copium teucrii teucrii (Host, 1788) Threat of Unknown Extent
Corythucha ciliata (Say, 1832) Not Evaluated
Derephysia foliacea foliacea (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Derephysia sinuatocollis Puton, 1879 Not Threatened
Derephysia cristata (Panzer, 1806) Threatened with Extinction
Dictyla convergens (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threatened
Dictyla echii (Schrank, 1782) Not Threatened
Dictyla humuli (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Dictyla lupuli (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1837) Highly Threatened
Dictyla rotundata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Extinct or Lost
Dictyonota fuliginosa A. Costa, 1853 Not Threatened
Dictyonota strichnocera Fieber, 1844 Not Threatened
Elasmotropis testacea testacea (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1833) Not Evaluated
Galeatus affinis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Galeatus maculatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Threat of Unknown Extent
Galeatus spinifrons (Fallén, 1807) Highly Threatened
Kalama henschi (Puton, 1892) Threatened with Extinction
Kalama tricornis (Schrank, 1801) Not Threatened
Lasiacantha capucina capucina (Germar, 1837) Threatened
Lasiacantha gracilis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1833) Extinct or Lost
Lasiacantha hermani Vásárhelyi, 1977 Threatened with Extinction
Oncochila scapularis (Fieber, 1844) Extinct or Lost
Oncochila simplex (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1833) Not Threatened
Physatocheila confinis Horváth, 1905 Data Deficient
Physatocheila costata (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Physatocheila dumetorum (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Not Threatened
Physatocheila harwoodi China, 1936 Not Threatened
Physatocheila smreczynskii China, 1952 Not Threatened
Stephanitis oberti (Kolenati, 1857) Not Evaluated
Stephanitis pyri (Fabricius, 1775) Data Deficient
Stephanitis rhododendri Horváth, 1905 Not Evaluated
Stephanitis takeyai Drake & Maa, 1955 Not Evaluated
Tingis marrubii Vallot, 1829 Threatened with Extinction
Tingis pilosa Hummel, 1825 Not Threatened
Tingis geniculata (Fieber, 1844) Extinct or Lost
Tingis maculata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Highly Threatened
Tingis ragusana (Fieber, 1861) Threatened with Extinction
Tingis reticulata Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Not Threatened
Tingis ampliata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Not Threatened
Tingis angustata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Extinct or Lost
Tingis auriculata (A. Costa, 1847) Threat of Unknown Extent
Tingis cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Tingis crispata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Not Threatened
Tingis grisea Germar, 1835 Extinct or Lost
Loricula bipunctata (Perris, 1857) Not Threatened
Loricula elegantula (Baerensprung, 1858) Not Threatened
Loricula pselaphiformis Curtis, 1833 Not Threatened
Loricula ruficeps (Reuter, 1884) Threatened
Loricula rufoscutellata (Baerensprung, 1857) Extremely Rare
Loricula coleoptrata (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Loricula distinguenda (Reuter, 1884) Threat of Unknown Extent
Loricula exilis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Isometopus intrusus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Isometopus mirificus Mulsant & Rey, 1879 Data Deficient
Bryocoris pteridis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Monalocoris filicis (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Campyloneura virgula (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Dicyphus annulatus (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Dicyphus botrydis Rieger, 2002 Highly Threatened
Dicyphus globulifer (Fallén, 1829) Not Threatened
Dicyphus constrictus constrictus (Boheman, 1852) Not Threatened
Dicyphus epilobii Reuter, 1883 Not Threatened
Dicyphus errans (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Dicyphus escalerae Lindberg, 1934 Not Evaluated
Dicyphus hyalinipennis (Burmeister, 1835) Not Threatened
Dicyphus pallidus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836) Not Threatened
Dicyphus stachydis stachydis J. Sahlberg, 1878 Not Threatened
Dicyphus pallicornis (Fieber, 1861) Not Threatened
Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur, 1839) Not Threatened
Macrolophus rubi Woodroffe, 1957 Not Threatened
Tupiocoris rhododendri (Dolling, 1972) Not Evaluated
Bothynotus pilosus (Boheman, 1852) Threat of Unknown Extent
Alloeotomus germanicus Wagner, 1939 Not Threatened
Alloeotomus gothicus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Deraeocoris punctulatus (Fallén, 1807) Threatened
Deraeocoris serenus (Douglas & Scott, 1868) Data Deficient
Deraeocoris annulipes (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1842) Not Threatened
Deraeocoris cordiger (Hahn, 1834) Near Threatened
Deraeocoris flavilinea (A. Costa, 1862) Not Threatened
Deraeocoris morio (Boheman, 1852) Highly Threatened
Deraeocoris olivaceus (Fabricius, 1777) Not Threatened
Deraeocoris ruber (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Deraeocoris scutellaris (Fabricius, 1794) Highly Threatened
Deraeocoris trifasciatus (Linnaeus, 1767) Not Threatened
Deraeocoris ventralis ventralis Reuter, 1904 Extremely Rare
Deraeocoris lutescens (Schilling, 1837) Not Threatened
Actinonotus pulcher (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threatened
Adelphocoris detritus (Fieber, 1861) Threatened with Extinction
Adelphocoris hercynicus Wagner, 1938 Highly Threatened
Adelphocoris lineolatus (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Adelphocoris quadripunctatus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Adelphocoris reichelii (Fieber, 1836) Highly Threatened
Adelphocoris seticornis (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Adelphocoris ticinensis (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Threatened
Adelphocoris vandalicus (Rossi, 1790) Extremely Rare
Agnocoris reclairei (Wagner, 1949) Not Threatened
Agnocoris rubicundus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Alloeonotus fulvipes (Scopoli, 1763) Extremely Rare
Apolygus limbatus (Fallén, 1807) Near Threatened
Apolygus lucorum (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Not Threatened
Apolygus rhamnicola (Reuter, 1885) Not Threatened
Apolygus spinolae (Meyer-Dür, 1841) Not Threatened
Brachycoleus decolor Reuter, 1887 Highly Threatened
Brachycoleus pilicornis pilicornis (Panzer, 1805) Threatened
Calocoris affinis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Calocoris alpestris (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Highly Threatened
Calocoris nemoralis (Fabricius, 1787) Extinct or Lost
Calocoris roseomaculatus roseomaculatus (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Camptozygum aequale (Villers, 1789) Not Threatened
Camptozygum pumilio Reuter, 1902 Data Deficient
Capsodes flavomarginatus (Donovan, 1798) Threat of Unknown Extent
Capsodes gothicus gothicus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Capsus ater (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Capsus pilifer (Remane, 1950) Highly Threatened
Capsus wagneri (Remane, 1950) Threatened
Charagochilus gyllenhalii (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Charagochilus spiralifer Kerzhner, 1988 Data Deficient
Charagochilus weberi Wagner, 1953 Data Deficient
Closterotomus biclavatus biclavatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Closterotomus fulvomaculatus (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Closterotomus norwegicus (Gmelin, 1790) Not Threatened
Closterotomus trivialis (A. Costa, 1853) Not Evaluated
Dichrooscytus gustavi Josifov, 1981 Not Threatened
Dichrooscytus intermedius Reuter, 1885 Not Threatened
Dichrooscytus rufipennis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Grypocoris sexguttatus (Fabricius, 1777) Not Threatened
Hadrodemus m-flavum (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Horistus orientalis (Gmelin, 1790) Near Threatened
Horwathia lineolata (A. Costa, 1862) Threatened with Extinction
Liocoris tripustulatus (Fabricius, 1781) Not Threatened
Lygocoris minor (Wagner, 1950) Threat of Unknown Extent
Lygocoris pabulinus (Linnaeus, 1761) Not Threatened
Lygocoris rugicollis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Neolygus contaminatus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Neolygus viridis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Neolygus zebei (Günther, 1997) Not Threatened
Lygus gemellatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Lygus maritimus Wagner, 1949 Not Threatened
Lygus pratensis (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Lygus punctatus (Zetterstedt, 1838) Not Threatened
Lygus rugulipennis Poppius, 1911 Not Threatened
Lygus wagneri Remane, 1955 Not Threatened
Megacoelum beckeri (Fieber, 1870) Not Threatened
Megacoelum infusum (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1837) Not Threatened
Mermitelocerus schmidtii (Fieber, 1836) Not Threatened
Miridius quadrivirgatus (A. Costa, 1853) Extremely Rare
Miris striatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Orthops forelii Fieber, 1858 Threatened with Extinction
Orthops montanus (Schilling, 1837) Highly Threatened
Orthops basalis (A. Costa, 1853) Not Threatened
Orthops campestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Orthops kalmii (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Pachypterna fieberi Fieber, 1858 Extremely Rare
Pantilius tunicatus (Fabricius, 1781) Not Threatened
Phytocoris juniperi Frey-Gessner, 1865 Highly Threatened
Phytocoris minor Kirschbaum, 1856 Threatened with Extinction
Phytocoris parvulus Reuter, 1880 Not Evaluated
Phytocoris austriacus Wagner, 1954 Threat of Unknown Extent
Phytocoris insignis Reuter, 1876 Threat of Unknown Extent
Phytocoris jordani Wagner, 1954 Highly Threatened
Phytocoris nowickyi Fieber, 1870 Data Deficient
Phytocoris ulmi (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Phytocoris varipes Boheman, 1852 Not Threatened
Phytocoris confusus Reuter, 1896 Extremely Rare
Phytocoris dimidiatus Kirschbaum, 1856 Not Threatened
Phytocoris hirsutulus Flor, 1861 Highly Threatened
Phytocoris intricatus Flor, 1861 Not Threatened
Phytocoris longipennis Flor, 1861 Not Threatened
Phytocoris pini Kirschbaum, 1856 Not Threatened
Phytocoris populi (Linnaeus, 1758) Near Threatened
Phytocoris reuteri Saunders, 1876 Not Threatened
Phytocoris tiliae tiliae (Fabricius, 1777) Not Threatened
Phytocoris meridionalis Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Extremely Rare
Pinalitus atomarius (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Data Deficient
Pinalitus cervinus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) Not Threatened
Pinalitus rubricatus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Pinalitus viscicola (Puton, 1888) Not Threatened
Polymerus asperulae (Fieber, 1861) Threatened with Extinction
Polymerus brevicornis (Reuter, 1879) Highly Threatened
Polymerus cognatus (Fieber, 1858) Near Threatened
Polymerus lammesi Rinne, 1989 Data Deficient
Polymerus microphthalmus (Wagner, 1951) Not Threatened
Polymerus palustris (Reuter, 1907) Threatened
Polymerus unifasciatus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Polymerus vulneratus (Panzer, 1806) Threatened
Polymerus carpathicus (Horváth, 1882) Highly Threatened
Polymerus holosericeus Hahn, 1831 Not Threatened
Polymerus nigrita (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Rhabdomiris striatellus striatellus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Stenotus binotatus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Acetropis carinata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) Not Threatened
Acetropis gimmerthalii gimmerthalii (Flor, 1860) Near Threatened
Leptopterna dolabrata (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Leptopterna ferrugata (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Megaloceroea recticornis (Geoffroy, 1785) Not Threatened
Myrmecoris gracilis (R.F. Sahlberg, 1848) Near Threatened
Notostira elongata (Geoffroy, 1785) Not Threatened
Notostira erratica (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Pithanus hrabei Stehlík 1952 Extremely Rare
Pithanus maerkelii (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Not Threatened
Stenodema calcarata (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Stenodema trispinosa Reuter, 1904 Not Threatened
Stenodema algoviensis Schmidt, 1934 Extremely Rare
Stenodema holsata (Fabricius, 1787) Not Threatened
Stenodema laevigata (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Stenodema sericans (Fieber, 1861) Threat of Unknown Extent
Stenodema virens (Linnaeus, 1767) Near Threatened
Teratocoris antennatus (Boheman, 1852) Near Threatened
Teratocoris paludum J. Sahlberg, 1870 Threatened
Teratocoris saundersi Douglas & Scott, 1869 Highly Threatened
Trigonotylus caelestialium (Kirkaldy, 1902) Not Threatened
Trigonotylus psammaecolor Reuter, 1885 Highly Threatened
Trigonotylus pulchellus (Hahn, 1834) Highly Threatened
Trigonotylus ruficornis (Geoffroy, 1785) Threat of Unknown Extent
Euryopicoris nitidus (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Threatened with Extinction
Halticus apterus apterus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Halticus luteicollis (Panzer, 1804) Not Threatened
Halticus macrocephalus Fieber, 1858 Extinct or Lost
Halticus major Wagner, 1951 Data Deficient
Halticus pusillus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Halticus saltator (Geoffroy, 1785) Highly Threatened
Orthocephalus brevis (Panzer, 1798) Threatened with Extinction
Orthocephalus coriaceus (Fabricius, 1777) Not Threatened
Orthocephalus saltator (Hahn, 1835) Not Threatened
Orthocephalus vittipennis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Extremely Rare
Pachytomella parallela (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Near Threatened
Strongylocoris atrocoeruleus (Fieber, 1864) Highly Threatened
Strongylocoris leucocephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) Threat of Unknown Extent
Strongylocoris luridus (Fallén, 1807) Threatened
Strongylocoris niger (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threatened
Strongylocoris steganoides (J. Sahlberg, 1875) Not Threatened
Blepharidopterus angulatus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Blepharidopterus diaphanus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Brachynotocoris puncticornis Reuter, 1880 Not Threatened
Cyllecoris histrionius (Linnaeus, 1767) Not Threatened
Cyrtorhinus caricis (Fallén, 1807) Highly Threatened
Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Excentricus planicornis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836) Threatened with Extinction
Fieberocapsus flaveolus (Reuter, 1870) Highly Threatened
Globiceps sphaegiformis (Rossi, 1790) Not Threatened
Globiceps flavomaculatus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Globiceps fulvicollis Jakovlev, 1877 Not Threatened
Globiceps juniperi Reuter, 1902 Highly Threatened
Heterocordylus erythropthalmus erythropthalmus (Hahn, 1833) Near Threatened
Heterocordylus genistae (Scopoli, 1763) Threat of Unknown Extent
Heterocordylus leptocerus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Threatened with Extinction
Heterocordylus tibialis (Hahn, 1833) Not Threatened
Heterocordylus tumidicornis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Heterotoma merioptera (Scopoli, 1763) Extremely Rare
Heterotoma planicornis (Pallas, 1772) Not Threatened
Malacocoris chlorizans (Panzer, 1794) Not Threatened
Mecomma dispar (Boheman, 1852) Highly Threatened
Mecomma ambulans ambulans (Fallén, 1807) Near Threatened
Orthotylus ericetorum ericetorum (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Orthotylus flavosparsus (C.R. Sahlberg, 1841) Not Threatened
Orthotylus moncreaffi (Douglas & Scott, 1874) Threat of Unknown Extent
Orthotylus rubidus (Puton, 1874) Highly Threatened
Orthotylus schoberiae Reuter, 1876 Threatened with Extinction
Orthotylus flavinervis (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Orthotylus interpositus Schmidt, 1938 Not Threatened
Orthotylus marginalis Reuter, 1883 Not Threatened
Orthotylus nassatus (Fabricius, 1787) Not Threatened
Orthotylus obscurus Reuter, 1875 Extremely Rare
Orthotylus prasinus (Fallén, 1826) Not Threatened
Orthotylus tenellus tenellus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Orthotylus virens (Fallén, 1807) Threatened
Orthotylus viridinervis (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Orthotylus adenocarpi adenocarpi (Perris, 1857) Not Threatened
Orthotylus concolor (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Orthotylus virescens (Douglas & Scott, 1865) Not Threatened
Orthotylus caprai Wagner, 1955 Not Evaluated
Orthotylus fuscescens (Kirschbaum, 1856) Near Threatened
Orthotylus bilineatus (Fallén, 1807) Threat of Unknown Extent
Pseudoloxops coccineus (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Not Threatened
Reuteria marqueti Puton, 1875 Data Deficient
Hypseloecus visci (Puton, 1888) Not Threatened
Pilophorus cinnamopterus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Pilophorus clavatus (Linnaeus, 1767) Not Threatened
Pilophorus confusus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Pilophorus perplexus Douglas & Scott, 1875 Not Threatened
Pilophorus simulans Josifov, 1989 Not Threatened
Cremnocephalus albolineatus Reuter, 1875 Not Threatened
Cremnocephalus alpestris Wagner, 1941 Not Threatened
Hallodapus montandoni Reuter, 1895 Extinct or Lost
Hallodapus rufescens (Burmeister, 1835) Highly Threatened
Omphalonotus quadriguttatus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Threatened
Systellonotus triguttatus (Linnaeus, 1767) Near Threatened
Amblytylus albidus (Hahn, 1834) Threatened
Amblytylus brevicollis Fieber, 1858 Highly Threatened
Amblytylus delicatus (Perris, 1857) Extinct or Lost
Lopus longiceps (Flor, 1860) Threatened with Extinction
Amblytylus nasutus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Asciodema obsoleta (Fieber, 1864) Near Threatened
Atomoscelis onusta (Fieber, 1861) Threatened
Atractotomus kolenatii (Flor, 1860) Data Deficient
Atractotomus magnicornis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Atractotomus mali (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Not Threatened
Atractotomus marcoi Carapezza, 1982 Extremely Rare
Atractotomus parvulus Reuter, 1878 Not Threatened
Atractotomus rhodani Fieber, 1861 Threatened with Extinction
Brachyarthrum limitatum Fieber, 1858 Threatened
Campylomma annulicorne (Signoret, 1865) Not Threatened
Campylomma verbasci (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Not Threatened
Chlamydatus saltitans (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Chlamydatus pulicarius (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Chlamydatus pullus (Reuter, 1870) Not Threatened
Chlamydatus evanescens (Boheman, 1852) Not Threatened
Compsidolon salicellum (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) Not Threatened
Conostethus griseus Douglas & Scott, 1870 Threat of Unknown Extent
Conostethus roseus (Fallén, 1807) Threatened
Conostethus venustus venustus (Fieber, 1858) Not Threatened
Criocoris crassicornis (Hahn, 1834) Not Threatened
Criocoris nigricornis Reuter, 1894 Threatened with Extinction
Criocoris nigripes Fieber, 1861 Highly Threatened
Criocoris sulcicornis (Kirschbaum, 1856) Threatened with Extinction
Europiella albipennis (Fallén, 1829) Threat of Unknown Extent
Europiella alpina (Reuter, 1875) Near Threatened
Europiella artemisiae (Becker, 1864) Not Threatened
Europiella decolor (Uhler, 1893) Threat of Unknown Extent
Icodema infuscata (Fieber, 1861) Extremely Rare
Eurycolpus flaveolus (Stål, 1858) Threatened
Harpocera thoracica (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Hoplomachus thunbergii (Fallén, 1807) Near Threatened
Lepidargyrus ancorifer (Fieber, 1858) Near Threatened
Lopus decolor (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Macrotylus horvathi (Reuter, 1876) Not Threatened
Macrotylus paykullii (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Macrotylus solitarius (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Threatened
Macrotylus herrichi (Reuter, 1873) Near Threatened
Macrotylus quadrilineatus (Schrank, 1785) Threatened
Megalocoleus exsanguis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threatened with Extinction
Megalocoleus molliculus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Megalocoleus naso (Reuter, 1879) Data Deficient
Megalocoleus tanaceti (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Monosynamma bohemanni (Fallén, 1829) Not Threatened
Monosynamma maritimum (Wagner, 1947) Data Deficient
Monosynamma sabulicola (Wagner, 1947) Data Deficient
Oncotylus punctipes Reuter, 1875 Not Threatened
Oncotylus viridiflavus viridiflavus (Goeze, 1778) Threatened
Orthonotus rufifrons (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Plagiognathus vitellinus (Scholtz, 1847) Not Threatened
Phoenicocoris dissimilis (Reuter, 1878) Near Threatened
Phoenicocoris modestus (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Not Threatened
Phoenicocoris obscurellus (Fallén, 1829) Not Threatened
Phylus coryli (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Phylus melanocephalus (Linnaeus, 1767) Not Threatened
Phylus plagiatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Data Deficient
Placochilus seladonicus seladonicus (Fallén, 1807) Threatened
Plagiognathus arbustorum arbustorum (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Plagiognathus chrysanthemi (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Plagiognathus fulvipennis (Kirschbaum, 1856) Threatened
Plesiodema pinetella (Zetterstedt, 1828) Not Threatened
Psallodema fieberi (Fieber, 1864) Threatened with Extinction
Psallus aethiops (Zetterstedt, 1838) Data Deficient
Psallus betuleti (Fallén, 1826) Not Threatened
Psallus montanus Josifov, 1973 Not Threatened
Psallus assimilis Stichel, 1956 Not Threatened
Psallus perrisi (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Not Threatened
Psallus pseudoplatani Reichling, 1984 Not Threatened
Psallus variabilis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Psallus wagneri Ossiannilsson, 1953 Not Threatened
Psallus ambiguus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Psallus quercus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Threat of Unknown Extent
Psallus lapponicus Reuter, 1874 Extremely Rare
Psallus luridus Reuter, 1878 Not Threatened
Psallus piceae Reuter, 1878 Not Threatened
Psallus pinicola Reuter, 1875 Not Threatened
Psallus vittatus (Fieber, 1861) Data Deficient
Psallus albicinctus (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Psallus confusus Rieger, 1981 Not Threatened
Psallus cruentatus (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Not Threatened
Psallus falleni Reuter, 1883 Not Threatened
Psallus flavellus Stichel, 1933 Not Threatened
Psallus haematodes (Gmelin, 1790) Not Threatened
Psallus lepidus Fieber, 1858 Not Threatened
Psallus mollis (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Not Threatened
Psallus punctulatus Puton, 1874 Data Deficient
Psallus salicis (Kirschbaum, 1856) Not Threatened
Psallus varians varians (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1841) Not Threatened
Salicarus roseri (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Not Threatened
Sthenarus rotermundi (Scholtz, 1847) Not Threatened
Tinicephalus hortulanus (Meyer-Dür, 1843) Near Threatened
Tuponia brevirostris Reuter, 1883 Not Evaluated
Tuponia hippophaes (Fieber, 1861) Threatened with Extinction
Tuponia mixticolor (A. Costa, 1862) Not Evaluated
Tytthus pubescens (Knight, 1931) Highly Threatened
Tytthus pygmaeus (Zetterstedt, 1838) Near Threatened
Alloeorhynchus flavipes (Fieber, 1836) Highly Threatened
Prostemma guttula guttula (Fabricius, 1787) Near Threatened
Prostemma sanguineum (Rossi, 1790) Threatened with Extinction
Himacerus major (A. Costa, 1842) Not Threatened
Himacerus mirmicoides (O. Costa, 1834) Not Threatened
Himacerus apterus (Fabricius, 1798) Not Threatened
Himacerus boops (Schiødte, 1870) Threatened
Nabis limbatus Dahlbom, 1851 Not Threatened
Nabis lineatus Dahlbom, 1851 Threatened
Nabis flavomarginatus Scholtz, 1847 Not Threatened
Nabis brevis brevis Scholtz, 1847 Not Threatened
Nabis ericetorum Scholtz, 1847 Not Threatened
Nabis ferus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Nabis pseudoferus pseudoferus Remane, 1949 Not Threatened
Nabis punctatus punctatus A. Costa, 1847 Near Threatened
Nabis rugosus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Acompocoris alpinus Reuter, 1875 Not Threatened
Acompocoris montanus Wagner, 1955 Extremely Rare
Acompocoris pygmaeus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Anthocoris amplicollis Horváth, 1893 Not Threatened
Anthocoris butleri Le Quesne, 1954 Not Threatened
Anthocoris confusus Reuter, 1884 Not Threatened
Anthocoris gallarumulmi (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Anthocoris limbatus Fieber, 1836 Not Threatened
Anthocoris minki minki Dohrn, 1860 Not Threatened
Anthocoris nemoralis (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Anthocoris nemorum (Linnaeus, 1761) Not Threatened
Anthocoris pilosus (Jakovlev, 1877) Highly Threatened
Anthocoris sarothamni Douglas & Scott, 1865 Not Threatened
Anthocoris simulans Reuter, 1884 Not Threatened
Anthocoris visci Douglas, 1889 Extremely Rare
Elatophilus nigricornis (Zetterstedt, 1838) Not Threatened
Elatophilus pini (Baerensprung, 1858) Extremely Rare
Elatophilus stigmatellus (Zetterstedt, 1838) Data Deficient
Temnostethus reduvinus reduvinus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) Data Deficient
Temnostethus dacicus (Puton, 1888) Extremely Rare
Temnostethus gracilis Horváth, 1907 Not Threatened
Temnostethus longirostris (Horváth, 1907) Data Deficient
Temnostethus pusillus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Temnostethus wichmanni Wagner, 1961 Extremely Rare
Tetraphleps aterrima (J. Sahlberg, 1878) Data Deficient
Tetraphleps bicuspis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Orius agilis (Flor, 1860) Not Threatened
Orius horvathi (Reuter, 1884) Not Threatened
Orius laticollis laticollis (Reuter, 1884) Not Threatened
Orius majusculus (Reuter, 1879) Not Threatened
Orius minutus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Orius vicinus (Ribaut, 1923) Not Threatened
Orius niger (Wolff, 1811) Not Threatened
Amphiareus obscuriceps (Poppius, 1909) Not Evaluated
Brachysteles parvicornis (A. Costa, 1847) Threat of Unknown Extent
Cardiastethus fasciiventris (Garbiglietti, 1869) Not Threatened
Dufouriellus ater (Dufour, 1833) Not Threatened
Dysepicritus rufescens (A. Costa, 1847) Extinct or Lost
Xylocoridea brevipennis Reuter, 1876 Not Threatened
Xyloecocoris ovatulus Reuter, 1879 Extremely Rare
Lyctocoris campestris (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Lyctocoris dimidiatus (Spinola, 1837) Threat of Unknown Extent
Scoloposcelis pulchella pulchella (Zetterstedt, 1838) Not Threatened
Xylocoris galactinus (Fieber, 1836) Not Threatened
Xylocoris lativentris (J. Sahlberg, 1870) Threatened with Extinction
Xylocoris cursitans (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Xylocoris formicetorum (Boheman, 1844) Near Threatened
Xylocoris parvulus (Reuter, 1871) Extremely Rare
Cimex columbarius Jenyns, 1839 Extremely Rare
Cimex dissimilis (Horváth, 1910) Data Deficient
Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758 Not Evaluated
Cimex pipistrelli Jenyns, 1839 Data Deficient
Oeciacus hirundinis (Lamarck, 1816) Not Threatened
Empicoris baerensprungi (Dohrn, 1863) Threatened
Empicoris culiciformis (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Empicoris vagabundus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Peirates hybridus (Scopoli, 1763) Threatened with Extinction
Phymata crassipes (Fabricius, 1775) Near Threatened
Reduvius personatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Pygolampis bidentata (Goeze, 1778) Threat of Unknown Extent
Coranus aethiops Jakovlev 1893 Highly Threatened
Coranus subapterus (De Geer, 1773) Near Threatened
Coranus woodroffei P.V. Putshkov, 1982 Threatened
Rhynocoris annulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Rhynocoris erythropus (Linnaeus, 1767) Highly Threatened
Rhynocoris iracundus (Poda, 1761) Threat of Unknown Extent
Aneurus avenius (Dufour, 1833) Not Threatened
Aneurus laevis (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Aradus aterrimus Fieber, 1864 Extinct or Lost
Aradus betulae (Linnaeus, 1758) Threat of Unknown Extent
Aradus betulinus Fallén, 1807 Threatened
Aradus bimaculatus Reuter, 1872 Threatened with Extinction
Aradus brevicollis Fallén, 1807 Highly Threatened
Aradus cinnamomeus Panzer, 1806 Not Threatened
Aradus conspicuus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Not Threatened
Aradus corticalis (Linnaeus, 1758) Threatened
Aradus crenaticollis R.F. Sahlberg, 1848 Threatened with Extinction
Aradus depressus depressus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Aradus dissimilis A. Costa, 1847 Threatened with Extinction
Aradus distinctus Fieber, 1860 Extremely Rare
Aradus erosus Fallén, 1807 Threatened
Aradus krueperi Reuter, 1884 Extremely Rare
Aradus lugubris Fallén, 1807 Extinct or Lost
Aradus obtectus Vásárhelyi, 1988 Threatened
Aradus pallescens Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840 Threatened with Extinction
Aradus ribauti Wagner, 1956 Extremely Rare
Aradus serbicus Horváth, 1888 Threatened with Extinction
Aradus signaticornis R.F. Sahlberg, 1848 Threat of Unknown Extent
Aradus truncatus Fieber, 1860 Extremely Rare
Aradus versicolor Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Threatened
Mezira tremulae tremulae (Germar, 1822) Threatened with Extinction
Arocatus longiceps Stål, 1872 Not Evaluated
Arocatus melanocephalus (Fabricius, 1798) Data Deficient
Arocatus roeselii (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Horvathiolus superbus (Pollich, 1781) Highly Threatened
Lygaeosoma sardeum sardeum Spinola, 1837 Threatened with Extinction
Lygaeus equestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Lygaeus simulans Deckert, 1985 Threatened with Extinction
Melanocoryphus albomaculatus (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Spilostethus saxatilis (Scopoli, 1763) Threat of Unknown Extent
Tropidothorax leucopterus (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Nithecus jacobaeae (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Nysius cymoides (Spinola, 1837) Not Threatened
Nysius ericae ericae (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Nysius graminicola graminicola (Kolenati, 1845) Extremely Rare
Nysius helveticus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) Not Threatened
Nysius senecionis senecionis (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Nysius thymi thymi (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Belonochilus numenius (Say, 1831) Not Evaluated
Orsillus depressus (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Not Evaluated
Ortholomus punctipennis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Not Threatened
Kleidocerys ericae (Horváth, 1908) Data Deficient
Kleidocerys privignus (Horváth, 1894) Data Deficient
Kleidocerys resedae resedae (Panzer, 1797) Not Threatened
Cymus aurescens Distant, 1883 Not Threatened
Cymus claviculus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Cymus glandicolor Hahn, 1832 Not Threatened
Cymus melanocephalus Fieber, 1861 Not Threatened
Dimorphopterus spinolae (Signoret, 1857) Not Threatened
Ischnodemus sabuleti (Fallén, 1826) Not Threatened
Henestaris halophilus (Burmeister, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Geocoris ater (Fabricius, 1787) Highly Threatened
Geocoris dispar (Waga, 1839) Threat of Unknown Extent
Geocoris grylloides (Linnaeus, 1761) Not Threatened
Chilacis typhae (Perris, 1857) Not Threatened
Holcocranum saturejae (Kolenati, 1845) Extremely Rare
Heterogaster affinis Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835 Highly Threatened
Heterogaster artemisiae Schilling, 1829 Threat of Unknown Extent
Heterogaster cathariae (Geoffroy, 1785) Extinct or Lost
Heterogaster urticae (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Platyplax salviae (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Camptotelus lineolatus lineolatus (Schilling, 1829) Threatened with Extinction
Macroplax fasciata fasciata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Extinct or Lost
Macroplax preyssleri (Fieber, 1837) Threatened
Metopoplax ditomoides (A. Costa, 1847) Not Threatened
Metopoplax fuscinervis Stål, 1872 Data Deficient
Metopoplax origani (Kolenati, 1845) Data Deficient
Microplax albofasciata (A. Costa, 1847) Data Deficient
Microplax interrupta (Fieber, 1837) Extremely Rare
Oxycarenus pallens (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) Not Threatened
Oxycarenus lavaterae (Fabricius, 1787) Not Threatened
Oxycarenus modestus (Fallén, 1829) Not Threatened
Philomyrmex insignis R.F. Sahlberg, 1848 Highly Threatened
Tropidophlebia costalis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850) Threatened with Extinction
Tropistethus holosericus (Scholtz, 1846) Not Threatened
Drymus latus latus Douglas & Scott, 1871 Highly Threatened
Drymus pilicornis (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Threat of Unknown Extent
Drymus pilipes Fieber, 1861 Highly Threatened
Drymus brunneus brunneus (R.F. Sahlberg, 1848) Not Threatened
Drymus pumilio Puton, 1877 Threatened with Extinction
Drymus ryeii Douglas & Scott, 1865 Not Threatened
Drymus sylvaticus (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Eremocoris abietis abietis (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Eremocoris fenestratus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1839) Not Threatened
Eremocoris plebejus plebejus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Eremocoris podagricus (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Gastrodes abietum Bergroth, 1914 Not Threatened
Gastrodes grossipes grossipes (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Ischnocoris angustulus (Boheman, 1852) Threatened
Ischnocoris hemipterus (Schilling, 1829) Near Threatened
Ischnocoris punctulatus Fieber, 1861 Highly Threatened
Lamproplax picea (Flor, 1860) Highly Threatened
Notochilus limbatus Fieber, 1870 Threatened with Extinction
Scolopostethus affinis (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Scolopostethus decoratus (Hahn, 1833) Not Threatened
Scolopostethus grandis Horváth, 1880 Not Threatened
Scolopostethus pictus (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Scolopostethus pilosus pilosus Reuter, 1875 Threat of Unknown Extent
Scolopostethus puberulus Horváth, 1887 Threatened
Scolopostethus thomsoni Reuter, 1875 Not Threatened
Taphropeltus andrei (Puton, 1877) Threatened with Extinction
Taphropeltus contractus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Taphropeltus hamulatus (Thomson, 1870) Threat of Unknown Extent
Aphanus rolandri (Linnaeus, 1758) Threatened
Emblethis denticollis Horváth, 1878 Near Threatened
Emblethis duplicatus Seidenstücker, 1963 Threat of Unknown Extent
Emblethis griseus (Wolff, 1802) Near Threatened
Emblethis verbasci (Fabricius, 1803) Not Threatened
Gonianotus marginepunctatus (Wolff, 1804) Highly Threatened
Macrodema microptera (Curtis, 1836) Not Threatened
Pionosomus opacellus Horváth, 1895 Highly Threatened
Pionosomus varius (Wolff, 1804) Near Threatened
Pterotmetus staphyliniformis (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Trapezonotus anorus (Flor, 1860) Extremely Rare
Trapezonotus arenarius arenarius (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Trapezonotus desertus Seidenstücker, 1951 Near Threatened
Trapezonotus dispar Stål, 1872 Not Threatened
Trapezonotus ullrichi (Fieber, 1837) Threatened with Extinction
Megalonotus antennatus (Schilling, 1829) Near Threatened
Megalonotus chiragra (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Megalonotus dilatatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840) Highly Threatened
Megalonotus emarginatus (Rey, 1888) Threatened
Megalonotus hirsutus Fieber, 1861 Highly Threatened
Megalonotus praetextatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Megalonotus puncticollis (Lucas, 1849) Data Deficient
Megalonotus sabulicola (Thomson, 1870) Not Threatened
Sphragisticus nebulosus (Fallén, 1807) Near Threatened
Ligyrocoris sylvestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Highly Threatened
Pachybrachius fracticollis (Schilling, 1829) Near Threatened
Pachybrachius luridus Hahn, 1826 Highly Threatened
Plinthisus minutissimus Fieber, 1864 Extinct or Lost
Plinthisus pusillus (Scholtz, 1847) Not Threatened
Plinthisus brevipennis (Latreille, 1807) Not Threatened
Aellopus atratus (Goeze, 1778) Near Threatened
Beosus maritimus (Scopoli, 1763) Not Threatened
Graptopeltus lynceus (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Panaorus adspersus (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Highly Threatened
Peritrechus angusticollis (R.F. Sahlberg, 1848) Highly Threatened
Peritrechus convivus (Stål, 1858) Threat of Unknown Extent
Peritrechus geniculatus (Hahn, 1832) Not Threatened
Peritrechus gracilicornis Puton, 1877 Near Threatened
Peritrechus lundii (Gmelin, 1790) Threatened
Peritrechus nubilus (Fallén, 1807) Threat of Unknown Extent
Raglius alboacuminatus alboacuminatus (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Raglius confusus (Reuter, 1886) Threatened with Extinction
Rhyparochromus phoeniceus (Rossi, 1794) Highly Threatened
Rhyparochromus pini (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Rhyparochromus sanguineus (Douglas & Scott, 1868) Extinct or Lost
Rhyparochromus vulgaris (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Xanthochilus quadratus (Fabricius, 1798) Threat of Unknown Extent
Acompus pallipes (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1834) Highly Threatened
Acompus rufipes (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Lasiosomus enervis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Stygnocoris cimbricus (Gredler, 1870) Threat of Unknown Extent
Stygnocoris fuligineus (Geoffroy, 1785) Not Threatened
Stygnocoris rusticus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Stygnocoris sabulosus (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Parapiesma quadratum (Fieber, 1844) Not Threatened
Parapiesma salsolae (Becker, 1867) Threatened
Parapiesma silenes (Horváth, 1888) Threatened with Extinction
Parapiesma variabile (Fieber, 1844) Threat of Unknown Extent
Piesma capitatum (Wolff, 1804) Not Threatened
Piesma maculatum (Laporte, 1833) Not Threatened
Neides tipularius (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Berytinus clavipes (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Berytinus hirticornis hirticornis (Brullé, 1836) Highly Threatened
Berytinus minor minor (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Berytinus crassipes (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Highly Threatened
Berytinus geniculatus (Horváth, 1885) Highly Threatened
Berytinus montivagus (Meyer-Dür, 1841) Highly Threatened
Berytinus signoreti (Fieber, 1859) Threatened
Gampsocoris culicinus culicinus Seidenstücker, 1948 Threat of Unknown Extent
Gampsocoris punctipes punctipes (Germar, 1822) Not Threatened
Metatropis rufescens (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Pyrrhocoris apterus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Pyrrhocoris marginatus (Kolenati, 1845) Threatened with Extinction
Alydus calcaratus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Camptopus lateralis (Germar, 1817) Extremely Rare
Megalotomus junceus (Scopoli, 1763) Extinct or Lost
Arenocoris fallenii (Schilling, 1829) Near Threatened
Arenocoris waltlii (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Threatened
Bathysolen nubilus (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Bothrostethus annulipes (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Extremely Rare
Ceraleptus gracilicornis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Not Threatened
Ceraleptus lividus Stein, 1858 Not Threatened
Coriomeris alpinus (Horváth, 1895) Extremely Rare
Coriomeris denticulatus (Scopoli, 1763) Not Threatened
Coriomeris scabricornis scabricornis (Panzer, 1805) Threatened
Nemocoris fallenii R.F. Sahlberg, 1848 Extremely Rare
Ulmicola spinipes (Fallén, 1807) Extremely Rare
Leptoglossus occidentalis Heidemann, 1910 Not Evaluated
Coreus marginatus marginatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Enoplops scapha (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Haploprocta sulcicornis (Fabricius, 1794) Threat of Unknown Extent
Spathocera dalmanii (Schilling, 1829) Threatened
Spathocera laticornis (Schilling, 1829) Highly Threatened
Syromastus rhombeus (Linnaeus, 1767) Not Threatened
Gonocerus acuteangulatus (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Gonocerus juniperi Herrich-Schaeffer, 1839 Not Threatened
Brachycarenus tigrinus (Schilling, 1829) Near Threatened
Corizus hyoscyami hyoscyami (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Liorhyssus hyalinus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Rhopalus maculatus (Fieber, 1837) Near Threatened
Rhopalus conspersus (Fieber, 1837) Threatened
Rhopalus distinctus (Signoret, 1859) Highly Threatened
Rhopalus parumpunctatus Schilling, 1829 Not Threatened
Rhopalus rufus Schilling, 1829 Data Deficient
Rhopalus subrufus (Gmelin, 1790) Not Threatened
Stictopleurus abutilon (Rossi, 1790) Not Threatened
Stictopleurus crassicornis (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Stictopleurus pictus (Fieber, 1861) Threat of Unknown Extent
Stictopleurus punctatonervosus (Goeze, 1778) Not Threatened
Chorosoma schillingii (Schilling, 1829) Not Threatened
Myrmus miriformis miriformis (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Dicranocephalus agilis (Scopoli, 1763) Near Threatened
Dicranocephalus albipes (Fabricius, 1781) Highly Threatened
Dicranocephalus medius (Mulsant & Rey, 1870) Highly Threatened
Coptosoma scutellatum (Geoffroy, 1785) Not Threatened
Cydnus aterrimus (Forster, 1771) Threat of Unknown Extent
Byrsinus flavicornis (Fabricius, 1794) Highly Threatened
Geotomus elongatus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1840) Threatened with Extinction
Microporus nigrita (Fabricius, 1794) Highly Threatened
Adomerus biguttatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Threatened
Canthophorus dubius (Scopoli, 1763) Highly Threatened
Canthophorus impressus (Horváth, 1880) Threatened
Legnotus limbosus (Geoffroy, 1785) Not Threatened
Legnotus picipes (Fallén, 1807) Not Threatened
Ochetostethus opacus (Scholtz, 1847) Highly Threatened
Sehirus luctuosus Mulsant & Rey, 1866 Not Threatened
Sehirus morio (Linnaeus, 1761) Near Threatened
Tritomegas bicolor (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Tritomegas rotundipennis (Dohrn, 1862) Extinct or Lost
Tritomegas sexmaculatus (Rambur, 1839) Not Threatened
Thyreocoris scarabaeoides (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Odontotarsus purpureolineatus (Rossi, 1790) Highly Threatened
Phimodera flori Fieber, 1863 Threatened with Extinction
Phimodera humeralis (Dalman, 1823) Highly Threatened
Odontoscelis fuliginosa (Linnaeus, 1761) Not Threatened
Odontoscelis lineola Rambur, 1839 Near Threatened
Eurygaster austriaca (Schrank, 1776) Highly Threatened
Eurygaster fokkeri Puton, 1892 Threat of Unknown Extent
Eurygaster maura (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Eurygaster testudinaria testudinaria (Geoffroy, 1785) Not Threatened
Psacasta exanthematica exanthematica (Scopoli, 1763) Extinct or Lost
Arma custos (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Jalla dumosa (Linnaeus, 1758) Highly Threatened
Picromerus bidens (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Pinthaeus sanguinipes (Fabricius, 1781) Not Threatened
Rhacognathus punctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Near Threatened
Troilus luridus (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Zicrona caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Aelia acuminata (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Aelia klugii Hahn, 1833 Near Threatened
Aelia rostrata Boheman, 1852 Extinct or Lost
Neottiglossa leporina (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1830) Not Threatened
Neottiglossa lineolata (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Data Deficient
Neottiglossa pusilla (Gmelin, 1790) Not Threatened
Halyomorpha halys (Stål, 1855) Not Evaluated
Antheminia lunulata (Goeze, 1778) Highly Threatened
Carpocoris fuscispinus (Boheman, 1851) Not Threatened
Carpocoris melanocerus Mulsant & Rey, 1852 Extremely Rare
Carpocoris pudicus (Poda, 1761) Highly Threatened
Carpocoris purpureipennis (De Geer, 1773) Not Threatened
Chlorochroa juniperina juniperina (Linnaeus, 1758) Threat of Unknown Extent
Chlorochroa pinicola (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Not Threatened
Dolycoris baccarum (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Holcostethus sphacelatus (Fabricius, 1794) Near Threatened
Peribalus strictus strictus (Fabricius, 1803) Not Threatened
Palomena prasina (Linnaeus, 1761) Not Threatened
Palomena viridissima (Poda, 1761) Threatened
Rubiconia intermedia (Wolff, 1811) Threatened
Staria lunata (Hahn, 1835) Threat of Unknown Extent
Eysarcoris aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) Not Threatened
Eysarcoris venustissimus (Schrank, 1776) Not Threatened
Stagonomus bipunctatus (Linnaeus, 1758) Threat of Unknown Extent
Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Evaluated
Pentatoma rufipes (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Rhaphigaster nebulosa (Poda, 1761) Not Threatened
Piezodorus lituratus (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Dyroderes umbraculatus (Fabricius, 1775) Data Deficient
Menaccarus arenicola (Scholtz, 1847) Extremely Rare
Sciocoris homalonotus Fieber, 1851 Threatened
Sciocoris macrocephalus Fieber, 1851 Threatened with Extinction
Sciocoris microphthalmus Flor, 1860 Threat of Unknown Extent
Sciocoris umbrinus (Wolff, 1804) Highly Threatened
Sciocoris cursitans cursitans (Fabricius, 1794) Not Threatened
Sciocoris distinctus Fieber, 1851 Extinct or Lost
Eurydema oleracea (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Eurydema ornata (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Eurydema fieberi Fieber, 1837 Threatened with Extinction
Eurydema rotundicollis (Dohrn, 1860) Extremely Rare
Eurydema dominulus (Scopoli, 1763) Near Threatened
Eurydema ventralis Kolenati, 1846 Extremely Rare
Graphosoma lineatum (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Podops inunctus (Fabricius, 1775) Not Threatened
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale haemorrhoidale (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Cyphostethus tristriatus (Fabricius, 1787) Not Threatened
Elasmostethus interstinctus (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened
Elasmostethus minor Horváth, 1899 Not Threatened
Elasmucha ferrugata (Fabricius, 1787) Near Threatened
Elasmucha fieberi (Jakovlev, 1865) Not Threatened
Elasmucha grisea grisea (Linnaeus, 1758) Not Threatened