
Scientific name
Cladophora fracta var. intricata (Lyngb.) C. Hoek 1963
Group of organisms
Marine Chlorophyta, Phaeophyceae & Rhodophyta
Red List Category
Data Deficient
Responsibility of Germany
General responsibility
Current population status
Long-term population trend
Short-term population trend
Previous Red List Category
Not Evaluated
Change of category compared to previous Red List
The change of category is not assessable, for example because the previous Red List does not list the taxon or the taxon has not been assessed in the previous Red List.
Indigenes or Archaeobiota

Schories, D.; Kuhlenkamp, R.; Schubert, H. & Selig, U. (2013): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der marinen Makroalgen (Chlorophyta, Phaeophyceae et Rhodophyta) Deutschlands. – In: Becker, N.; Haupt, H.; Hofbauer, N.; Ludwig, G. & Nehring, S. (Red.): Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze Deutschlands, Band 2: Meeresorganismen. – Münster (Landwirt­schaftsverlag). – Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (2): 179-229.