- |
Achalcus bimaculatus Pollet, 1996 |
Threatened |
Achalcus britannicus Pollet, 1996 |
Highly Threatened |
Achalcus cinereus (Haliday, 1851) |
Not Threatened |
Achalcus flavicollis (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Achalcus nigropunctatus Pollet & Brunhes, 1996 |
Threatened |
Achalcus thalhammeri Lichtwardt, 1913 |
Highly Threatened |
Achalcus vaillanti Brunhes, 1987 |
Highly Threatened |
Acropsilus niger (Loew, 1869) |
Highly Threatened |
Anepsiomyia flaviventris (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Aphrosylus ferox Haliday, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Argyra argentata (Macquart, 1834) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Argyra argentella (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Highly Threatened |
Argyra argentina (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Argyra argyria (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Argyra atriceps Loew, 1857 |
Threatened |
Argyra auricollis (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Argyra diaphana (Fabricius, 1775) |
Not Threatened |
Argyra discedens Becker, 1907 |
Threatened |
Argyra elongata (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Not Threatened |
Argyra grata Loew, 1857 |
Not Threatened |
Argyra hoffmeisteri (Loew, 1850) |
Highly Threatened |
Argyra ilonae Gosseries, 1988 |
Not Threatened |
Argyra leucocephala (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Argyra loewi Kowarz, 1879 |
Highly Threatened |
Argyra magnicornis (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Argyra miki (Kowarz, 1882) |
Extinct or Lost |
Argyra perplexa Becker, 1918 |
Highly Threatened |
Argyra setimana Loew, 1859 |
Threatened |
Argyra vestita (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Asyndetus latifrons (Loew, 1857) |
Threatened |
Australachalcus melanotrichus (Mik, 1878) |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus alpinus (Haliday, 1833) |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus armatus (Zetterstedt, 1849) |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus compeditus Loew, 1857 |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus curvipes (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Campsicnemus dasycnemus Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Campsicnemus filipes Loew, 1859 |
Extinct or Lost |
Campsicnemus loripes (Haliday, 1832) |
Not Threatened |
Campsicnemus lumbatus Loew, 1857 |
Not Threatened |
Campsicnemus magius (Loew, 1845) |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus marginatus Loew, 1857 |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus picticornis (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Not Threatened |
Campsicnemus pumilio (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus pusillus (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Campsicnemus scambus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Campsicnemus umbripennis Loew, 1856 |
Highly Threatened |
Campsicnemus varipes Loew, 1859 |
Highly Threatened |
Chrysotimus flaviventris (von Roser, 1840) |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotimus molliculus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus angulicornis Kowarz, 1874 |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus blepharosceles Kowarz, 1874 |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus cilipes Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus collini Parent, 1923 |
Threatened |
Chrysotus cupreus (Macquart, 1827) |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus femoratus Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus gramineus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus laesus (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus melampodius Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Chrysotus monochaetus Kowarz, 1874 |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus neglectus (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus obscuripes Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened |
Chrysotus palustris Verrall, 1876 |
Threatened |
Chrysotus pennatus Lichtwardt, 1902 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Chrysotus pulchellus Kowarz, 1874 |
Not Threatened |
Chrysotus suavis Loew, 1857 |
Not Threatened |
Cyrturella albosetosa (Strobl, 1909) |
Extremely Rare |
Diaphorus disjunctus Loew, 1857 |
Extinct or Lost |
Diaphorus halteralis Loew, 1869 |
Extinct or Lost |
Diaphorus hoffmannseggi Meigen, 1830 |
Threatened |
Diaphorus nigricans Meigen, 1824 |
Threatened |
Diaphorus oculatus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Diaphorus winthemi Meigen, 1824 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichophorus kerteszi Lichtwardt, 1902 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Dolichopus acuticornis Wiedemann, 1817 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus agilis Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus albifrons Loew, 1859 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus angustipennis Kertész, 1901 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus apicalis Zetterstedt, 1849 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus arbustorum Stannius, 1831 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus argyrotarsis Wahlberg, 1850 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus armillatus Wahlberg, 1850 |
Data Deficient |
Dolichopus atratus Meigen, 1824 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus atripes Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus austriacus Parent, 1927 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus brevipennis Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus caligatus Wahlberg, 1850 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus calinotus Loew, 1871 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus campestris Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus cilifemoratus Macquart, 1827 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus claviger Stannius, 1831 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus clavipes Haliday, 1832 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus cruralis Wahlberg, 1850 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus diadema Haliday, 1832 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus discimanus Wahlberg, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus erroneus Parent, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus eurypterus Gerstäcker, 1864 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus excisus Loew, 1859 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus festivus Haliday, 1832 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus flavipes Stannius, 1831 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus friedrichi Meuffels & Grootaert 1999 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus galeatus Loew, 1871 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus geniculatus Stannius, 1831 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus genicupallidus Becker, 1889 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus grandicornis Wahlberg, 1850 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus griseipennis Stannius, 1831 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Dolichopus hilaris Loew, 1862 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus immaculatus Becker, 1909 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus kowarzianus Stackelberg, 1928 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus latilimbatus Macquart, 1827 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus latipennis Fallén, 1823 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus lepidus Stæger, 1842 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus linearis Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus lineatocornis Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus litorellus Zetterstedt, 1852 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus longicornis Stannius, 1831 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus longitarsis Stannius, 1831 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus maculicornis Verrall, 1875 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus maculipennis Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus mediicornis Verrall, 1875 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus meigeni Loew, 1857 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus melanopus Meigen, 1824 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus migrans Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus nigricornis Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus nigripes Fallén, 1823 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus nimbatus Parent, 1927 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus nitidus Fallén, 1823 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus notatus Stæger, 1842 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus nubilus Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus occultus Becker, 1917 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Dolichopus parvicaudatus Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus pectinitarsis Stenhammar, 1852 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus pennatus Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus phaeopus Haliday, 1851 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus picipes Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus planitarsis Fallén, 1823 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus plumipes (Scopoli, 1763) |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus plumitarsis Fallén, 1823 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus popularis Wiedemann, 1817 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus propinquus Zetterstedt, 1852 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus punctum Meigen, 1824 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus remipes Wahlberg, 1839 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus rupestris Haliday, 1833 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus ruthei Loew, 1847 |
Extinct or Lost |
Dolichopus sabinus Haliday, 1838 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus signatus Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus signifer Haliday, 1838 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus simplex Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus steini Becker, 1917 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus stenhammari Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus subpennatus d'Assis-Fonseca, 1976 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Dolichopus tanythrix Loew, 1869 |
Threatened |
Dolichopus trivialis Haliday, 1832 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus ungulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus urbanus Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus virgultorum Haliday, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Dolichopus vitripennis Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus wahlbergi Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Not Threatened |
Dolichopus zetterstedti Stenhammar, 1852 |
Extinct or Lost |
Ethiromyia chalybeus (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Eucoryphus coeruleus Becker, 1889 |
Extinct or Lost |
Gymnopternus aerosus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Gymnopternus angustifrons (Stæger, 1842) |
Threatened |
Gymnopternus assimilis (Stæger, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Gymnopternus blankaartensis Pollet, 1990 |
Threatened |
Gymnopternus brevicornis (Stæger, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Gymnopternus celer (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Gymnopternus cupreus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Gymnopternus metallicus (Stannius, 1831) |
Not Threatened |
Gymnopternus silvestris Pollet, 1990 |
Threatened |
Hercostomus bicolor (Macquart, 1827) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus blepharopus Loew, 1871 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hercostomus caudatus (Loew, 1859) |
Highly Threatened |
Hercostomus chaerophylli (Meigen, 1824) |
Highly Threatened |
Hercostomus chetifer (Walker, 1849) |
Not Threatened |
Hercostomus convergens Loew, 1857 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hercostomus exarticulatus (Loew, 1857) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus fugax (Loew, 1857) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus fulvicaudis (Walker, 1851) |
Not Threatened |
Hercostomus fuscipennis (Meigen, 1824) |
Highly Threatened |
Hercostomus germanus (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Hercostomus gracilis (Stannius, 1831) |
Highly Threatened |
Hercostomus lichtwardti Villeneuve, 1899 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hercostomus longiventris (Loew, 1857) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus nanus (Macquart, 1827) |
Not Threatened |
Hercostomus nigrilamellatus (Macquart, 1827) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus nigripennis (Fallén, 1823) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus nigriplantis (Stannius, 1831) |
Not Threatened |
Hercostomus parvilamellatus (Macquart, 1827) |
Extinct or Lost |
Hercostomus pilifer (Loew, 1859) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus plagiatus (Loew, 1857) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus praeceps Loew, 1869 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Hercostomus rusticus (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Hercostomus sahlbergi (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Hercostomus vivax (Loew, 1857) |
Not Threatened |
Hydrophorus albiceps Frey, 1915 |
Threatened |
Hydrophorus balticus (Meigen, 1824) |
Highly Threatened |
Hydrophorus bipunctatus (Lehmann, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Hydrophorus borealis Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Hydrophorus brunnicosus Loew, 1857 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hydrophorus litoreus Fallén, 1823 |
Not Threatened |
Hydrophorus nebulosus Fallén, 1823 |
Threatened |
Hydrophorus oceanus (Macquart, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Hydrophorus praecox (Lehmann, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Hydrophorus rufibarbis Gerstäcker, 1864 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hydrophorus viridis (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Lamprochromus bifasciatus (Macquart, 1827) |
Not Threatened |
Lamprochromus strobli Parent, 1925 |
Threatened |
Liancalus virens (Scopoli, 1763) |
Not Threatened |
Machaerium maritimae Haliday, 1832 |
Threatened |
Medetera abstrusa Thuneberg, 1955 |
Threatened |
Medetera acanthura Negrobov & Thuneberg, 1970 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera adjaniae Gosseries, 1988 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera ambigua (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Medetera annulitarsus von Roser, 1840 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera apicalis (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Not Threatened |
Medetera belgica Parent, 1936 |
Threatened |
Medetera bilineata Frey, 1915 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera bispinosa Negrobov, 1967 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera borealis Thuneberg, 1955 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera chrysotimiformis Kowarz, 1868 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera cuspidata Collin, 1941 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera dendrobaena Kowarz, 1877 |
Threatened |
Medetera diadema (Linnaeus, 1767) |
Threatened |
Medetera dichrocera Kowarz, 1877 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera excellens Frey, 1909 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera flavipes Meigen, 1824 |
Threatened |
Medetera glauca Loew, 1869 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Medetera gracilicauda Parent, 1927 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera impigra Collin, 1941 |
Threatened |
Medetera incrassata Frey, 1909 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera infumata Loew, 1857 |
Not Threatened |
Medetera insignis Girschner, 1888 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera jacula (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Medetera jugalis Collin, 1941 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera longicauda Becker, 1917 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera lorea Negrobov, 1967 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera melancholica Lundbeck, 1912 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera micacea Loew, 1857 |
Not Threatened |
Medetera mixta Negrobov, 1967 |
Threatened |
Medetera muralis Meigen, 1824 |
Threatened |
Medetera nitida (Macquart, 1834) |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera obscura (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Threatened |
Medetera pallipes (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Not Threatened |
Medetera perfida Parent, 1932 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera petrophila Kowarz, 1877 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Medetera petrophiloides Parent, 1925 |
Threatened |
Medetera pinicola Kowarz, 1877 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera plumbella Meigen, 1824 |
Threatened |
Medetera saxatilis Collin, 1941 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera senicula Kowarz, 1877 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera signaticornis Loew, 1857 |
Threatened |
Medetera takagii Negrobov, 1970 |
Highly Threatened |
Medetera tenuicauda Loew, 1857 |
Threatened |
Medetera tertia Becker, 1917 |
Extinct or Lost |
Medetera tristis (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Threatened |
Medetera truncorum Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Medetera unisetosa Collin, 1941 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Medetera vagans Becker, 1917 |
Threatened |
Melanostolus nigricilius (Loew, 1871) |
Highly Threatened |
Micromorphus albipes (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Not Threatened |
Micromorphus claripennis (Strobl, 1899) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Muscidideicus praetextatus (Haliday, 1855) |
Highly Threatened |
Nematoproctus distendens (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Nematoproctus longifilus Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Nematoproctus praesectus Loew, 1869 |
Highly Threatened |
Neurigona abdominalis (Fallén, 1823) |
Threatened |
Neurigona cilipes (Oldenberg, 1904) |
Highly Threatened |
Neurigona erichsoni (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Neurigona lineata (Oldenberg, 1904) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Neurigona pallida (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Neurigona quadrifasciata (Fabricius, 1781) |
Not Threatened |
Neurigona suturalis (Fallén, 1823) |
Threatened |
Oncopygius distans (Loew, 1857) |
Highly Threatened |
Orthoceratium lacustre (Scopoli, 1763) |
Extinct or Lost |
Peodes forcipatus Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Poecilobothrus chrysozygos (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Poecilobothrus comitialis (Kowarz, 1867) |
Threatened |
Poecilobothrus ducalis (Loew, 1857) |
Highly Threatened |
Poecilobothrus fumipennis (Stannius, 1831) |
Threatened |
Poecilobothrus infuscatus (Stannius, 1831) |
Highly Threatened |
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus (Linnaeus, 1767) |
Not Threatened |
Poecilobothrus regalis (Meigen, 1824) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium albifrons Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium albomaculatum (Becker, 1891) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium antennatum (Carlier, 1835) |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium appendiculatum Zetterstedt, 1849 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium auctum Loew, 1857 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium bidilatatum (Parent, 1954) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium brevicorne Curtis, 1835 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium caliginosum (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium commune (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium consobrinum Zetterstedt, 1843 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium crassipes (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium discigerum Stenhammar, 1851 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium elegantulum (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium ensicorne Meigen, 1824 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium fasciatum Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium fascipes (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium fissum Loew, 1850 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium fractum Loew, 1850 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium gravipes Haliday, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium holmgreni (Mik, 1878) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium lanceolatum Loew, 1850 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium laticorne (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium longicorne (Fallén, 1823) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium macrocerum Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium micans (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium monotrichum Loew, 1850 |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium nasutum (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Rhaphium obscuripes Zetterstedt, 1849 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium patulum (Raddatz, 1873) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium pectinatum (Loew, 1859) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium penicillatum Loew, 1850 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium praerosum Loew, 1850 |
Threatened |
Rhaphium psilopoda (Becker, 1918) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium quadrispinosum (Strobl, 1898) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium riparium (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium rivale (Loew, 1869) |
Threatened |
Rhaphium suave (Loew, 1859) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium trifidum (Becker, 1918) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium umbripenne (Frey, 1915) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhaphium xiphias Meigen, 1824 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhaphium zetterstedti (Parent, 1925) |
Not Threatened |
Scellus notatus (Fabricius, 1781) |
Highly Threatened |
Schoenophilus versutus (Haliday, 1851) |
Threatened |
Sciapus aberrans Becker, 1918 |
Extinct or Lost |
Sciapus albifrons (Meigen, 1830) |
Threatened |
Sciapus basilicus Meuffels & Grootaert, 1990 |
Highly Threatened |
Sciapus bellus (Loew, 1873) |
Highly Threatened |
Sciapus contristans (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Sciapus flavicinctus (Loew, 1857) |
Extinct or Lost |
Sciapus glaucescens (Loew, 1856) |
Extinct or Lost |
Sciapus gracilipes (Loew, 1871) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Sciapus heteropygus Parent, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Sciapus laetus (Meigen, 1838) |
Extinct or Lost |
Sciapus lobipes (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Sciapus longulus (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Sciapus maritimus Becker, 1918 |
Highly Threatened |
Sciapus nervosus (Lehmann, 1822) |
Highly Threatened |
Sciapus platypterus (Fabricius, 1805) |
Not Threatened |
Sciapus spiniger (Zetterstedt, 1859) |
Threatened |
Sciapus wiedemanni (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Sciapus zonatulus (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Highly Threatened |
Sphyrotarsus hygrophilus Becker, 1891 |
Extinct or Lost |
Sybistroma crinipes Stæger, 1842 |
Not Threatened |
Sybistroma discipes (Germar, 1817) |
Threatened |
Sybistroma inornatus (Loew, 1857) |
Extinct or Lost |
Sybistroma nodicornis Meigen, 1824 |
Not Threatened |
Sybistroma obscurellum (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Sybistroma sciophilum (Loew, 1869) |
Highly Threatened |
Sybistroma setosa Schiner, 1862 |
Extinct or Lost |
Sybistroma sphenopterum (Loew, 1859) |
Threatened |
Sympycnus aeneicoxa (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Sympycnus annulipes (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Sympycnus brevimanus Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Sympycnus cirripes (Haliday, 1851) |
Threatened |
Sympycnus desoutteri Parent, 1925 |
Threatened |
Sympycnus pulicarius (Fallén, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Sympycnus simplicipes Becker, 1908 |
Highly Threatened |
Sympycnus spiculatus Gerstäcker, 1864 |
Threatened |
Sympycnus strobli Parent, 1927 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Syntormon aulicum (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Syntormon bicolorellum (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Not Threatened |
Syntormon denticulatum (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Syntormon filiger Verrall, 1912 |
Threatened |
Syntormon fuscipes (von Roser, 1840) |
Threatened |
Syntormon macula Oldenberg, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Syntormon metathesis (Loew, 1850) |
Highly Threatened |
Syntormon monile (Haliday, 1851) |
Threatened |
Syntormon pallipes (Fabricius, 1794) |
Not Threatened |
Syntormon praeteritum (Parent, 1929) |
Extinct or Lost |
Syntormon pseudospicatum Strobl, 1899 |
Extinct or Lost |
Syntormon pumilum (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Syntormon punctatum (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Highly Threatened |
Syntormon rufipes (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Syntormon subinermis (Loew, 1869) |
Highly Threatened |
Syntormon sulcipes (Meigen, 1824) |
Threatened |
Syntormon tarsatum (Fallén, 1823) |
Threatened |
Syntormon zelleri (Loew, 1850) |
Highly Threatened |
Systenus bipartitus (Loew, 1850) |
Threatened |
Systenus leucurus Loew, 1859 |
Highly Threatened |
Systenus pallipes (von Roser, 1840) |
Not Threatened |
Systenus scholtzii (Loew, 1850) |
Threatened |
Systenus tener Loew, 1859 |
Threatened |
Tachytrechus ammobates (Haliday, 1851) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachytrechus consobrinus (Haliday, 1851) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachytrechus eucerus Loew, 1869 |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachytrechus genualis Loew, 1857 |
Highly Threatened |
Tachytrechus insignis (Stannius, 1831) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachytrechus melaleucus Gerstäcker, 1864 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Tachytrechus notatus notatus (Stannius, 1831) |
Threatened |
Tachytrechus notatus obscuripes Gerstäcker, 1864 |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachytrechus novus Parent, 1927 |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachytrechus ocior Loew, 1869 |
Extinct or Lost |
Telmaturgus tumidulus (Raddatz, 1873) |
Highly Threatened |
Teuchophorus calcaratus (Macquart, 1827) |
Threatened |
Teuchophorus monacanthus Loew, 1859 |
Not Threatened |
Teuchophorus nigricosta (von Roser, 1840) |
Not Threatened |
Teuchophorus simplex Mik, 1880 |
Not Threatened |
Teuchophorus spinigerellus (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Thinophilus flavipalpis (Zetterstedt, 1843) |
Threatened |
Thinophilus ruficornis (Haliday, 1838) |
Threatened |
Thrypticus atomus Frey, 1915 |
Highly Threatened |
Thrypticus bellus Loew, 1869 |
Threatened |
Thrypticus divisus (Strobl, 1880) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov, 1967 |
Highly Threatened |
Thrypticus laetus Verrall, 1912 |
Threatened |
Thrypticus nigricauda Wood, 1913 |
Highly Threatened |
Thrypticus paludicola Negrobov in Negrobov & Stackelberg 1972 |
Extinct or Lost |
Thrypticus pollinosus Verrall, 1912 |
Highly Threatened |
Thrypticus smaragdinus Gerstäcker, 1864 |
Highly Threatened |
Thrypticus virescens Negrobov, 1967 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Thrypticus viridis Parent, 1932 |
Extinct or Lost |
Xanthochlorus ornatus (Haliday, 1832) |
Not Threatened |
Xanthochlorus tenellus (Wiedemann, 1817) |
Not Threatened |
Xanthochlorus ultramontanus Becker, 1918 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Atelestus dissonans Collin, 1961 |
Highly Threatened |
Atelestus pulicarius (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Meghyperus sudeticus Loew, 1850 |
Extinct or Lost |
Anthepiscopus caelebs Becker, 1891 |
Extinct or Lost |
Anthepiscopus ribesii Becker, 1891 |
Highly Threatened |
Brachystoma vesiculosum (Fabricius, 1794) |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis abbreviata Loew, 1869 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis acinerea Chvála, 1985 |
Not Threatened |
Empis aemula Loew, 1873 |
Threatened |
Empis aequalis Loew, 1873 |
Threatened |
Empis aestiva Loew, 1867 |
Not Threatened |
Empis albicans Meigen, 1822 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis albinervis Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Empis albopilosa de Meijere, 1935 |
Threatened |
Empis anfractuosa Mik, 1884 |
Threatened |
Empis bazini Collin, 1926 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis beckeriana Engel, 1946 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis bicuspidata Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Empis bistortae Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Empis bohemica Chvála & Syrovátka, 1989 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis borealis Linnaeus, 1758 |
Threatened |
Empis brunnipennis Meigen, 1822 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis caudatula Loew, 1867 |
Not Threatened |
Empis chioptera Meigen, 1804 |
Not Threatened |
Empis ciliata Fabricius, 1787 |
Threatened |
Empis ciliatopennata Strobl, 1893 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis cincinnatula Loew, 1867 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis cognata Egger, 1860 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis concolor Verrall, 1872 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis coracina Bezzi, 1909 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis dalmatica Oldenberg, 1925 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis dasychira Mik, 1878 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis dasyprocta Loew, 1867 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis decora Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Empis digramma Meigen in Gistl, 1835 |
Not Threatened |
Empis dimidiata Meigen in Gistl, 1835 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis discolor Loew, 1856 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis fallax Egger, 1860 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis femorata Fabricius, 1798 |
Not Threatened |
Empis flavitarsis von Roser, 1840 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis florisomna Loew, 1856 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis gooti Chvála, 1994 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis grisea Fallén, 1816 |
Not Threatened |
Empis gymnopoda Bezzi, 1908 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis helophila Loew, 1867 |
Threatened |
Empis hoffmannseggi Loew, 1869 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis hyalipennis Fallén, 1816 |
Threatened |
Empis impennis Strobl, 1902 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis laeta Loew, 1869 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis laminata Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Empis lepidopus Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Empis leptomorion Bezzi, 1909 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis levis Loew, 1873 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis limata Collin, 1927 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis livida Linnaeus, 1758 |
Not Threatened |
Empis loewiana Bezzi, 1909 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis lucida Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis lugubris Loew, 1869 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis lutea Meigen, 1804 |
Not Threatened |
Empis maculata Fabricius, 1781 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis malleola Becker, 1887 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis mariae Syrovátka, 1991 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis melanotricha Loew, 1873 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis meridionalis Meigen, 1822 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis mesogramma Loew, 1867 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis mikii Strobl, 1899 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis modesta Meigen, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis monticola Loew, 1868 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis morenae Strobl, 1899 |
Data Deficient |
Empis morio Fabricius, 1794 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis morosa Meigen, 1822 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis nigricans Meigen, 1804 |
Threatened |
Empis nigripes Fabricius, 1794 |
Not Threatened |
Empis nigritarsis Meigen, 1804 |
Threatened |
Empis nigritibialis Strobl, 1898 |
Data Deficient |
Empis nitida Meigen, 1804 |
Threatened |
Empis nitidissima Strobl, 1893 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis nitidiventris Loew, 1873 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis nuntia Meigen, 1838 |
Not Threatened |
Empis opaca Meigen, 1804 |
Not Threatened |
Empis pennipes Linnaeus, 1758 |
Not Threatened |
Empis picipes Meigen, 1804 |
Threatened |
Empis pilimana Loew, 1869 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis pilosa Loew, 1867 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis planetica Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Empis praevia Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Empis prodromus Loew, 1867 |
Not Threatened |
Empis pseudomalleola Strobl, 1893 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis pseudonuntia Syrovátka, 1991 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis pseudoprodromus Collin, 1969 |
Threatened |
Empis punctata Meigen, 1804 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis pusio Egger, 1860 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis rufiventris Meigen, 1838 |
Threatened |
Empis rustica Fallén, 1816 |
Threatened |
Empis scaura Loew, 1867 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis scotica Curtis, 1835 |
Data Deficient |
Empis scutellata Curtis, 1835 |
Threatened |
Empis semicinerea Loew, 1867 |
Data Deficient |
Empis sericans Brullé, 1832 |
Threatened |
Empis serotina Loew, 1867 |
Threatened |
Empis simulium (Nowicki, 1868) |
Threatened |
Empis staegeri Collin, 1963 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis stercorea Linnaeus, 1761 |
Not Threatened |
Empis styriaca Strobl, 1893 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis subciliata Loew, 1871 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis syrovatkai Chvála, 1985 |
Not Threatened |
Empis tanysphyra Loew, 1873 |
Threatened |
Empis tenuipes Loew, 1869 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis tessellata Fabricius, 1794 |
Not Threatened |
Empis testacea Fabricius, 1805 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis trigramma Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Empis trunca Daugeron, 1999 |
Extinct or Lost |
Empis tumida Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Empis univittata Loew, 1867 |
Highly Threatened |
Empis variegata Meigen, 1804 |
Threatened |
Empis vitripennis Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Empis volucris Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Empis woodi Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Gloma fuscipennis Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Hilara aartseni Chvála, 1997 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara abdominalis Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara aeronetha Mik, 1892 |
Threatened |
Hilara albipennis von Roser, 1840 |
Threatened |
Hilara albitarsis von Roser, 1840 |
Threatened |
Hilara albiventris von Roser, 1840 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara allogastra Chvála, 2001 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara anglodanica Lundbeck, 1913 |
Threatened |
Hilara angustifrons Strobl, 1892 |
Threatened |
Hilara apta Collin, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara barbipes Frey, 1908 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara beckeri Strobl, 1892 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara biseta Collin, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara bistriata Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara bohemica Straka, 1976 |
Threatened |
Hilara borealis Oldenberg, 1916 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara brevistyla Collin, 1927 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Hilara brevivittata Macquart, 1827 |
Threatened |
Hilara caerulescens Oldenberg, 1916 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara calinota Collin, 1969 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara campinosensis Niesiolowski, 1986 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara canescens Zetterstedt, 1849 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara cantabrica Strobl, 1899 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara chorica (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara cilipes Meigen, 1822 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara cinereomicans Strobl, 1892 |
Data Deficient |
Hilara clavipes (Harris, 1776) |
Threatened |
Hilara clypeata Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara coracina Oldenberg, 1916 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara cornicula Loew, 1873 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara cuneata Loew, 1873 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara curtisi Collin, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara dimidiata Strobl, 1892 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara discoidalis Lundbeck, 1910 |
Threatened |
Hilara discolor Strobl, 1892 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara diversipes Strobl, 1892 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara femorata Loew, 1862 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara femorella Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Threatened |
Hilara flavipes Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara fulvibarba Strobl, 1899 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara fuscipes (Fabricius, 1794) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara galactoptera Strobl, 1910 |
Threatened |
Hilara gallica (Meigen, 1804) |
Threatened |
Hilara gooti Chvála, 1999 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara griseola Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara hirta Strobl, 1892 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara hirtella Collin, 1927 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara hirtipes Collin, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara hybrida Collin, 1961 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara hystrix Strobl, 1892 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara implicata Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Hilara intermedia (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara interstincta (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara lasiochira Strobl, 1892 |
Threatened |
Hilara lasiopa Strobl, 1892 |
Threatened |
Hilara litorea (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara longifurca Strobl, 1892 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara longivittata Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara lugubris (Zetterstedt, 1819) |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara lurida (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara maior Strobl, 1910 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara manicata Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Hilara marginipennis Strobl, 1909 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara maura (Fabricius, 1776) |
Not Threatened |
Hilara medeteriformis Collin, 1961 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara merula Collin, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara morata Collin, 1927 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara morenae Strobl, 1899 |
Data Deficient |
Hilara nigrina (Fallén, 1816) |
Threatened |
Hilara nigritarsis Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara nigrocincta de Meijere, 1935 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara nigrohirta Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Hilara nitidorella Chvála, 1997 |
Threatened |
Hilara nitidula Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened |
Hilara obscura Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara pectinipes Strobl, 1892 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara pilipes Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened |
Hilara pilosa Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Threatened |
Hilara pilosopectinata Strobl, 1892 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara platyura Loew, 1873 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara primula Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Hilara pruinosa Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara pseudochorica Strobl, 1892 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara pseudocornicula Strobl, 1909 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara pseudosartrix Strobl, 1892 |
Threatened |
Hilara quadrifaria Strobl, 1892 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara quadrifasciata Chvála, 2002 |
Not Threatened |
Hilara quadriseta Collin, 1927 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara quadrula Chvála, 2002 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara recedens Walker, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara rejecta Collin, 1927 |
Threatened |
Hilara sartor Becker, 1888 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara scrobiculata Loew, 1873 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara setipes Straka, 1976 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara splendida Straka, 1976 |
Extinct or Lost |
Hilara sturmii Wiedemann in Meigen, 1822 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara submaura Collin, 1956 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara tenella (Fallén, 1816) |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara ternovensis Strobl, 1898 |
Threatened |
Hilara tetragramma Loew, 1873 |
Threatened |
Hilara thoracica Macquart, 1827 |
Threatened |
Hilara tiefii Strobl, 1892 |
Highly Threatened |
Hilara trigemina Strobl, 1909 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara tyrolensis Strobl, 1892 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara veletica Chvála, 1981 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hilara vltavensis Straka, 1976 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Hormopeza obliterata Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Data Deficient |
Iteaphila furcata (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Iteaphila macquarti Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Iteaphila nitidula Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Highly Threatened |
Oreogeton basalis (Loew, 1856) |
Highly Threatened |
Ragas unica Walker, 1837 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia aethiops Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia albidiventris Strobl, 1898 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia albipennis (Fallén, 1816) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia albissima Frey, 1913 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia albitarsis Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia albohirta Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia albosegmentata Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia alpina (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Data Deficient |
Rhamphomyia amoena Loew, 1840 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia anfractuosa Bezzi, 1904 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia anomala Oldenberg, 1915 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia anomalipennis Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia anthracina Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia argentata von Röder, 1887 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia armimana Oldenberg, 1910 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia aterrima Frey, 1922 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia atra Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia aucta Oldenberg, 1917 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia australis Frey, 1922 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia barbata (Macquart, 1823) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia bistriata Strobl, 1910 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia brevipila Oldenberg, 1922 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia caesia Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia caliginosa Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia caudata Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia cinerascens (Meigen, 1804) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia claripennis Oldenberg, 1922 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia coracina Zetterstedt, 1849 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia crassicauda Strobl, 1893 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia crassimana Strobl, 1898 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia crassirostris (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia crinita Becker, 1887 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia culicina (Fallén, 1816) |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia curvula Frey, 1913 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia dentata Oldenberg, 1910 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia dudai Oldenberg, 1927 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia erythrophthalma Meigen, 1830 |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia eupterota Loew, 1873 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia flava (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia flaviventris Macquart, 1827 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia fuscipennis Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia galactoptera Strobl, 1893 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia geniculata Meigen, 1830 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia gibba (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia hercynica Oldenberg, 1927 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia heterochroma Bezzi, 1898 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia hirsutipes Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia hirtimana Oldenberg, 1922 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia hybotina Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia ignobilis Zetterstedt, 1859 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia janovensis Barták, 1981 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia laevipes (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia lamellata Collin, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia lindneri Barták, 1998 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia lividiventris Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia loewi Nowicki, 1868 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia longipes (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia longirostris (Lindner, 1972) |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia lucidula Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia luridipennis Nowicki, 1868 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia maculipennis Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia marginata (Fabricius, 1787) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia micans Oldenberg, 1915 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia micropyga Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia minor Oldenberg, 1922 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia modesta Wahlberg, 1844 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia montana Oldenberg, 1915 |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia morio Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia murina Collin, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia nigripennis (Fabricius, 1794) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia nigripes Strobl, 1898 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia nigromaculata von Roser, 1840 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia nitidula Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia niveipennis (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia nodipes (Fallén, 1816) |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia nox Oldenberg, 1917 |
Data Deficient |
Rhamphomyia obscura Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia obscuripennis Meigen, 1830 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia physoprocta Frey, 1913 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia pilifer Meigen, 1838 |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia plumifera Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia plumipes (Meigen, 1804) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia poissoni (Trehen, 1966) |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia pokornyi Bezzi, 1904 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia pseudogibba Strobl, 1910 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia sanctimauritii Becker, 1887 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia sciarina (Fallén, 1816) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia simplex Zetterstedt, 1849 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia spinipes (Fallén, 1816) |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia spinosipes Oldenberg, 1915 |
Extinct or Lost |
Rhamphomyia stigmosa Macquart, 1827 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia subcinarescens Collin, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia sulcata (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia sulcatella Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia tarsata Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia tibialis Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia tibiella Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia tipularia (Fallén, 1816) |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia trigemina Oldenberg, 1927 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia trilineata Zetterstedt, 1859 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia umbripennis Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Rhamphomyia umbripes Becker, 1887 |
Highly Threatened |
Rhamphomyia unguiculata Frey, 1913 |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia ursina Oldenberg, 1915 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Rhamphomyia variabilis (Fallén, 1816) |
Threatened |
Rhamphomyia vesiculosa (Fallén, 1816) |
Extinct or Lost |
Bergenstammia nudipes (Loew, 1858) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Chelifera alpina Vaillant, 1981 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Chelifera angusta Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera aperticauda Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera astigma Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera concinnicauda Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera diversicauda Collin, 1927 |
Near Threatened |
Chelifera flavella (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Near Threatened |
Chelifera monostigma (Meigen, 1822) |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera pectinicauda Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera precabunda Collin, 1961 |
Not Threatened |
Chelifera precatoria (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Chelifera pyrenaica Vaillant, 1981 |
Not Threatened |
Chelifera serraticauda Engel, 1939 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera stigmatica (Schiner, 1862) |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera subangusta Collin, 1961 |
Data Deficient |
Chelifera trapezina (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Not Threatened |
Chelipoda albiseta (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Data Deficient |
Chelipoda melanocephala (Fabricius, 1794) |
Not Threatened |
Chelipoda vocatoria (Fallén, 1816) |
Data Deficient |
Clinocera appendiculata (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Clinocera fontinalis (Haliday, 1833) |
Not Threatened |
Clinocera nigra Meigen, 1804 |
Not Threatened |
Clinocera stagnalis (Haliday, 1833) |
Not Threatened |
Clinocera storchii Mik, 1880 |
Data Deficient |
Clinocera wesmaeli (Macquart, 1835) |
Not Threatened |
Clinocerella oldenbergi Engel, 1918 |
Data Deficient |
Clinocerella sorex Engel, 1918 |
Data Deficient |
Dolichocephala austriaca Vaillant, 1968 |
Data Deficient |
Dolichocephala bartaki Wagner, 1998 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Dolichocephala bellstedti Joost, 1985 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Dolichocephala guttata (Haliday, 1833) |
Not Threatened |
Dolichocephala irrorata (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Dolichocephala oblongoguttata (Dale, 1878) |
Not Threatened |
Dolichocephala ocellata (Costa, 1854) |
Data Deficient |
Dolichocephala thomasi Wagner, 1983 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Dryodromia testacea Rondani, 1856 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Heleodromia immaculata Haliday, 1833 |
Near Threatened |
Hemerodromia adulatoria Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Hemerodromia baetica Collin,1927 |
Data Deficient |
Hemerodromia laudatoria Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Hemerodromia melangyna Collin, 1927 |
Data Deficient |
Hemerodromia oratoria (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Hemerodromia raptoria Meigen, 1830 |
Not Threatened |
Hemerodromia unilineata Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Not Threatened |
Kowarzia barbatula (Mik, 1880) |
Not Threatened |
Kowarzia bipunctata (Haliday, 1833) |
Not Threatened |
Kowarzia madicola (Vaillant, 1964) |
Near Threatened |
Kowarzia plectrum (Mik, 1880) |
Near Threatened |
Kowarzia tenella (Wahlberg, 1844) |
Data Deficient |
Kowarzia tibiella (Mik, 1880) |
Not Threatened |
Metachela nigriventris (Loew, 1864) |
Data Deficient |
Phaeobalia dimidiata (Loew, 1869) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Phaeobalia inermis (Loew, 1861) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Phaeobalia trinotata (Mik, 1869) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Trichopeza albocincta (Boheman, 1864) |
Data Deficient |
Trichopeza longicornis (Meigen, 1822) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia alpina (Engel, 1918) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia aquilex (Loew, 1869) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia armata (Engel, 1918) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia beckeri (Mik, 1889) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia bilobata Oldenberg, 1910 |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia bistigma (Curtis, 1834) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia bohemani (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Not Threatened |
Wiedemannia braueri (Mik, 1880) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia brevilamellata Wagner, 1985 |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia dolichocephala Vaillant, 1964 |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia fallaciosa (Loew, 1873) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia hastata (Mik, 1880) |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia hygrobia (Loew, 1858) |
Not Threatened |
Wiedemannia insularis Collin, 1927 |
Near Threatened |
Wiedemannia lamellata (Loew, 1869) |
Not Threatened |
Wiedemannia longicornis (Mik, 1887) |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia lota Walker, 1851 |
Near Threatened |
Wiedemannia mikiana (Bezzi, 1899) |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia oxystoma (Bezzi, 1905) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia phantasma (Mik, 1880) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia pirata (Mik, 1880) |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia rhynchops (Nowicki, 1868) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Wiedemannia stylifera Mik, 1889 |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia thienemanni Wagner, 1982 |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia wachtli (Mik, 1880) |
Data Deficient |
Wiedemannia zetterstedti (Fallén, 1826) |
Not Threatened |
Allanthalia pallida (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Anthalia schoenherri Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Bicellaria albopilosa Chvála, 1991 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Bicellaria austriaca Tuomikoski, 1955 |
Not Threatened |
Bicellaria collini Tuomikoski, 1955 |
Extinct or Lost |
Bicellaria intermedia Lundbeck, 1910 |
Threatened |
Bicellaria nigra (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Bicellaria nigrita Collin, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Bicellaria pilosa Lundbeck, 1910 |
Not Threatened |
Bicellaria simplicipes (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Bicellaria spuria (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Bicellaria subpilosa Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Bicellaria sulcata (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Bicellaria vana Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Chersodromia alata (Walker, 1835) |
Highly Threatened |
Chersodromia arenaria (Haliday, 1833) |
Highly Threatened |
Chersodromia beckeri Melander, 1928 |
Extinct or Lost |
Chersodromia cursitans (Zetterstedt, 1819) |
Threatened |
Chersodromia hirta (Walker, 1835) |
Extinct or Lost |
Chersodromia incana Walker, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Chersodromia speculifera Walker, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Crossopalpus abditus Kovalev, 1972 |
Threatened |
Crossopalpus aeneus (Walker, 1871) |
Highly Threatened |
Crossopalpus curvinervis (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Extinct or Lost |
Crossopalpus curvipes (Meigen, 1822) |
Threatened |
Crossopalpus flexuosus (Loew, 1840) |
Extinct or Lost |
Crossopalpus humilis (Frey, 1913) |
Not Threatened |
Crossopalpus minimus (Meigen, 1838) |
Threatened |
Crossopalpus nigritellus (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Crossopalpus setiger (Loew, 1859) |
Threatened |
Drapetis arcuata Loew, 1859 |
Threatened |
Drapetis assimilis (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Drapetis completa Kovalev, 1972 |
Threatened |
Drapetis convergens Collin, 1926 |
Threatened |
Drapetis exilis Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Drapetis flavipes Macquart, 1834 |
Threatened |
Drapetis fumipennis Strobl, 1906 |
Threatened |
Drapetis hirsuticeris Stark, 2003 |
Highly Threatened |
Drapetis incompleta Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Drapetis infitialis Collin, 1961 |
Not Threatened |
Drapetis ingrica Kovalev, 1972 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Drapetis parilis Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Drapetis pusilla Loew, 1859 |
Not Threatened |
Drapetis simulans Collin, 1961 |
Threatened |
Dysaletria atriceps (Boheman, 1852) |
Extinct or Lost |
Elaphropeza ephippiata (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Euthyneura albipennis (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Threatened |
Euthyneura gyllenhali (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Not Threatened |
Euthyneura halidayi Collin, 1926 |
Highly Threatened |
Euthyneura myricae Haliday in Walker, 1851 |
Extinct or Lost |
Euthyneura myrtilli Macquart, 1836 |
Not Threatened |
Hybos culiciformis (Fabricius, 1775) |
Not Threatened |
Hybos femoratus (Müller, 1776) |
Not Threatened |
Hybos grossipes (Linnaeus, 1767) |
Not Threatened |
Lamachella germanica Chvála & Stark, 1997 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Leptopeza borealis Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Threatened |
Leptopeza flavipes (Meigen, 1820) |
Not Threatened |
Ocydromia glabricula (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Ocydromia melanopleura Loew, 1840 |
Not Threatened |
Oedalea apicalis Loew, 1859 |
Highly Threatened |
Oedalea austroholmgreni Chvála, 1981 |
Threatened |
Oedalea flavipes Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Threatened |
Oedalea holmgreni Zetterstedt, 1852 |
Threatened |
Oedalea hybotina (Fallén, 1816) |
Threatened |
Oedalea kowarzi Chvála, 1981 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Oedalea montana Chvála, 1981 |
Threatened |
Oedalea oriunda Collin, 1961 |
Highly Threatened |
Oedalea stigmatella Zetterstedt, 1842 |
Not Threatened |
Oedalea tibialis Macquart, 1827 |
Not Threatened |
Oedalea tristis Scholtz, 1851 |
Threatened |
Oedalea zetterstedti Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Oropezella sphenoptera (Loew, 1873) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus aeneus (Macquart, 1823) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus agilis (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus albicornis (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Platypalpus albidifacies Chvála, 1975 |
Data Deficient |
Platypalpus albifacies (Collin, 1926) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus albiseta (Panzer, 1806) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus albocapillatus (Fallén, 1815) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus alpinus Chvála, 1971 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus alter (Collin, 1961) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus analis (Meigen, 1830) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus annulatus (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus annulipes (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus annulitarsis Kovalev, 1978 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus aristatus (Collin, 1926) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus articulatoides (Frey, 1918) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus articulatus Macquart, 1827 |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus ater (Wahlberg, 1844) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus aurantiacus (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus australominutus Grootaert, 1989 |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus balticus Kovalev, 1971 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus biapicalis Wéber, 1972 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus bilobatus Wéber, 1972 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus boreoalpinus Frey, 1943 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus brachystylus (Bezzi, 1892) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus brevicornis (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus calceatus (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus candicans (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus caroli Grootaert, 1987 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus celer (Meigen, 1822) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus ciliaris (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus cilitarsis Frey, 1943 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus clarandus (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus clypeatus Kovalev, 1973 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus commutatus (Strobl, 1893) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus confinis (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus cothurnatus Macquart, 1827 |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus coxatus (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus cruralis (Collin, 1961) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus cryptospina (Frey, 1909) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus cursitans (Fabricius, 1775) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus dessarti Grootaert, 1983 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus divisus Walker, 1851 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus ecalceatus (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus excisus (Becker, 1907) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus exilis (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus eximius (Oldenberg, 1924) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus fasciatus (Meigen, 1822) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus flavicornis (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus flaviseta Chvála, 1973 |
Extinct or Lost |
Platypalpus fuscicnemis Grootaert & Chvála, 1992 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus fuscicornis (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus hallensis Grootaert & Stark, 1997 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus incertus (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus infectus (Collin, 1926) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus ingenuus (Collin, 1926) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus insperatus Kovalev, 1971 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus interstinctus (Collin, 1926) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus kirtlingensis Grootaert, 1986 |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus latemi Grootaert, 1982 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus laticinctus Walker, 1851 |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus leucocephalus (von Roser, 1840) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus leucothrix (Strobl, 1910) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus longicornioides Chvála, 1972 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus longicornis (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus longimanus (Corti, 1907) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus longiseta (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus luteicornis (Meigen, 1838) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus luteipes Zusková, 1966 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus luteoloides Grootaert, 1983 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus luteolus (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus luteus (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus macula (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus maculimanus (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus maculipes (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus major (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus melancholicus (Collin, 1961) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus mikii (Becker, 1890) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus minutissimus (Strobl, 1899) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus minutus (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus nanus (Oldenberg, 1924) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus niger (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus nigricoxa (Mik, 1884) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus nigrimanus Strobl, 1880 |
Data Deficient |
Platypalpus nigrinus (Meigen, 1822) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus nigritarsis (Fallén, 1816) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus nigrosetosus (Strobl, 1893) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus niveiseta (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus niveisetoides Chvála, 1973 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus niveocapillatus Chvála, 1973 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus notatus (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus nudithorax Chvála, 1975 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus obscurus (von Roser, 1840) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus ochrocerus (Collin, 1961) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus optivus (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus pallidicornis (Collin, 1926) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus pallidicoxa (Frey, 1913) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus pallidiseta Kovalev, 1978 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus pallidiventris (Meigen, 1822) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus pallipes (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus parvicauda (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus pectoralis (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus pictitarsis (Becker, 1902) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus politus (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus praecinctus (Collin, 1926) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus pragensis Chvála, 1989 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus pseudociliaris (Strobl, 1910) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus pseudofulvipes (Frey, 1909) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus pseudorapidus Kovalev, 1971 |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus pulicarius (Meigen, 1830) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus pygialis Chvála, 1973 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus rapidoides Chvála, 1975 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus rapidus (Meigen, 1822) |
Threat of Unknown Extent |
Platypalpus ruficornis (von Roser, 1840) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus stabilis (Collin, 1961) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus stackelbergi Kovalev, 1971 |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus stigma (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus stigmatelloides Grootaert & Chvála, 1988 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus stigmatellus (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus strigifrons (Zetterstedt, 1849) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus stroblii (Mik, 1900) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus subbrevis (Frey, 1913) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus subnigrinus Chvála, 1975 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Platypalpus subtilis (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus tonsus (Collin, 1961) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus tuomikoskii Chvála, 1972 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus unguiculatus (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Platypalpus unicus (Collin, 1961) |
Threatened |
Platypalpus vegetus Frey, 1943 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus vegrandis Frey, 1943 |
Threatened |
Platypalpus verralli (Collin, 1926) |
Not Threatened |
Platypalpus vividus (Meigen, 1838) |
Not Threatened |
Stilpon graminum (Fallén, 1815) |
Not Threatened |
Stilpon lunatus (Walker, 1851) |
Threatened |
Stilpon nubilus Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Stilpon sublunatus Collin, 1961 |
Highly Threatened |
Symballophthalmus dissimilis (Fallén, 1815) |
Threatened |
Symballophthalmus fuscitarsis (Zetterstedt, 1859) |
Not Threatened |
Symballophthalmus pictipes (Becker, 1889) |
Threatened |
Syndyas nigripes (Zetterstedt, 1842) |
Highly Threatened |
Syneches muscarius (Fabricius, 1794) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachydromia aemula (Loew, 1864) |
Not Threatened |
Tachydromia annulimana Meigen, 1822 |
Not Threatened |
Tachydromia arrogans (Linnaeus, 1761) |
Not Threatened |
Tachydromia calcanea (Meigen, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachydromia caucasica Chvála, 1970 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Tachydromia connexa Meigen, 1822 |
Threatened |
Tachydromia costalis (von Roser, 1840) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachydromia edenensis Hewitt & Chvála, 2002 |
Threatened with Extinction |
Tachydromia excisa (Loew, 1864) |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachydromia interrupta (Loew, 1864) |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachydromia lundstroemi (Frey, 1913) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Tachydromia microptera (Loew, 1864) |
Highly Threatened |
Tachydromia morio (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Threatened |
Tachydromia ornatipes (Becker, 1890) |
Threatened with Extinction |
Tachydromia productipes (Strobl, 1910) |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachydromia sabulosa Meigen, 1830 |
Highly Threatened |
Tachydromia schnitteri Stark, 1994 |
Highly Threatened |
Tachydromia smithi Chvála, 1966 |
Threatened |
Tachydromia styriaca (Strobl, 1893) |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachydromia terricola Zetterstedt, 1819 |
Not Threatened |
Tachydromia tuberculata (Loew, 1864) |
Extinct or Lost |
Tachydromia umbrarum Haliday, 1833 |
Not Threatened |
Tachydromia woodi (Collin, 1926) |
Threatened |
Tachypeza fennica Tuomikoski, 1932 |
Threatened |
Tachypeza fuscipennis (Fallén, 1815) |
Threatened |
Tachypeza heeri Zetterstedt, 1838 |
Threatened |
Tachypeza nubila (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Tachypeza truncorum (Fallén, 1815) |
Threatened |
Trichina bilobata Collin, 1926 |
Not Threatened |
Trichina clavipes Meigen, 1830 |
Not Threatened |
Trichina elongata Haliday, 1833 |
Not Threatened |
Trichina opaca Loew, 1864 |
Threatened |
Trichina pallipes (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Trichinomyia flavipes (Meigen, 1830) |
Not Threatened |
Trichinomyia fuscipes (Zetterstedt, 1838) |
Highly Threatened |
Microphor anomalus (Meigen, 1824) |
Not Threatened |
Microphor crassipes (Macquart, 1827) |
Threatened |
Microphor holosericeus (Meigen, 1804) |
Not Threatened |
Microphor intermedius (Collin, 1961) |
Threatened |
Microphorella praecox (Loew, 1864) |
Data Deficient |
Schistostoma truncatum (Loew, 1864) |
Extinct or Lost |