
Scientific name
Ophonus subsinuatus Rey, 1886
Synonyms or name indicated in the previous Red List
Ophonus volaki (Kult, 1944)
Group of organisms
Coleoptera: Carabidae
Red List Category
Extremely Rare
Responsibility of Germany
General responsibility
Current population status
extremely rare
Long-term population trend
Short-term population trend
Previous Red List Category
Threatened with Extinction
Change of category compared to previous Red List
Current improvement of Red List Category
Indigenes or Archaeobiota

Schmidt, J.; Trautner, J. & Müller-Motzfeld, G. (2016): Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Laufkäfer (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Deutschlands. – In: Gruttke, H.; Balzer, S.; Binot-Hafke, M.; Haupt, H.; Hofbauer, N.; Ludwig, G.; Matzke-Hajek, G. & Ries, M. (Red.): Rote Liste gefährdeter Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze Deutschlands, Band 4: Wirbellose Tiere (Teil 2). – Münster (Landwirtschaftsverlag). – Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (4): 139-204.